P. 31

The first one is the physiological needs which are the biological  requirements of hu-

          mans in order to survive. The company must ensure that the employees lead healthy lifestyles.
          This makes their mind and body to function according to their task as employees. If they no
          longer feel healthy in terms of physical, social or emotional states, this may lead to an unmoti-

          vated feeling of employees. The next level which needs to be satisfied or fulfilled is the safety
          needs. As stated in the situation, the employees are paid on an hourly rate which may result in

          an issue that makes employees unmotivated. Some disadvantages of employees who are paid
          on an hourly rate are they have no guaranteed salary per month, less amount of extra work
          time and they might not be able to get a regular job. This may be a reason that they feel not se-

          cured since no matter how hard they work, they get the same pay and there is also a chance
          that they will lose their job.

                 Moreover, the third stage includes the belongingness and love needs which pertains to
          the feeling of being inclusive in the workplace. This may also be another reason that makes the

          employees  feel  unmotivated.  For  instance,  there  are  employees  who  feel  motivated  when
          working as a team or when they formed good relationships with others. If an employee doesn't
          feel like that, it impacts their performance and behavior. Employees who feel the belonging-

          ness within the workplace and team are easier to feel motivated to work hard and achieve re-

                 The fourth stage is the self-esteem needs which means being valued, respected and ap-

          preciated by others. Employees also need to feel that they are significant or useful within the
          workplace. If they feel that their hard work is not appreciated by others, it causes low self-

          esteem and leads to being unmotivated. In the situation, the employees might want to be rec-
          ognized, promoted or at least appreciated for their hard work, even when they are struggling.

          The last stage is the self-actualization. As we all know, it is at the peak of Maslow’s model
          which means that in order to fulfill it, the lower stages should be satisfied first. In the situa-
          tion, the cause of being unmotivated as employees can be related to self-actualization. There

          are  types  of  people  who  work  to  recognize  their  potential  and  abilities.  When  an  employee
          feels like they are no longer growing or developing their potential, they feel unmotivated. That

          is why it is important for the company to see work not only as a task but also a way to encour-
          age growth and engagement of employees.
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