Page 56 - Martial Science Magazine 2019 DEC
P. 56
The ShinKaiDo Ryu is an art of contrasts, it is a modern system but at the same time it has very
old historical roots. It can be very violent and deadly, but it also keeps inside the sweet and soft
word of the Buddha, it can be traditional but at the same time it stands on scientific methods. It
is simple, but it also becomes very complex.
Maintaining the balance between body, mind and spirit is the main idea of ShinKaiDo Ryu. To
achieve this goal, the ShinKaiDo Ryu is structured so that students advance through a stepped
process, methodologically and scientifically well studied, distributed throughout all their Kyu /
Dan grades.
The ShinKaiDo Ryu optimizes the life of the human being by balancing, teaching and develop-
ing the following aspects:
• Balance the physical body, mind and spirit.
• Develop the potential of the strong and brave man, for good, just and true causes.
• Teach to deal with the obstacles of daily life.
• Teach to live under the ethics and precepts of martial arts.
• Preserve health and control the mind.
• Teach to deal with loneliness by extracting the message of silence.
• Develop personality and tactical observation.
• Develop the spiritual and the humanitarian.
• The practice of the Philosophy of ShinKaiDo Ryu implies a quiet, simple life, full of love and in
harmony with the entire universe.