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           “Until the lion              This online popularity also resulted in Moja  In celebration of 25 years of democracy, we
                                        Love TV commissioning two of her web series,
                                                                              asked her what democracy mean to her and she
           tells his side               Judge Thenjiwe Khambule and Meet The  said: “To me democracy means freedom to
                                                                              participate in public life. It means to be allowed
                                        Khambules, which are a hit with  audiences.
           of the story,                Thenjiwe creates, writes, produces and stars in  opportunities fairly, with being discriminated on
           the tale of                  both sitcoms. Thenjiwe has also stared in two  basis of race or gender. Today we enjoy freedom
                                                                              to travel within our country and through-out the
                                        international films, 10 Days in Sun City and The
           the hunter                   Accidental Spy.                       world, and this was not the case in the olden
                                                                              days. Our young people must truly appreciate

           will always                  One of the unique secrets behind Thenjiwe’s  this democracy for it has allowed them ability to
                                                                              choose any career they wish to pursue. Before
                                        success is her ability to adapt her unique
           glorify the                  comedic personality to whatever       this freedom, only career paths open to Africans
                                                                              were being a teacher, policeman or
                                        arena or environment she is working in. Her
           hunter”                      being bilingual means she can         policewoman or nurse. Today, we are
                                                                              empowered to choose a government of our
                                        entertain in both English and Zulu. Thenjiwe’s
                                        unique style of humour appeals to a wide variety  choice, our voices are heard when we complain.
                                        of audiences. Her fresh, witty material is taken  People of different races can freely love one
                                        from observations of everyday life. Having lived,  another and start families together.
                                        studied and worked in the US and England and
                                        travelled to more than 16 countries for both  However, I think we need to think about limiting
                                        work and holidays, she has a lot of funny,  right to vote from rapists, those who
                                        international experiences to share with her  disadvantaged us in the past and other criminals.
                                        audience. She has also created, written,  It also worries me how little our youngsters
                                        produced award-winning movies for     know and understand the history of where we
                                        Mzansi Magic: Vusikhaya, Umgcagco     come from. I call on parents to put an extra
                                        Wezinyembezi, and Angel.              effort towards educating children about our
                                                                              past. As parents we need to understand that
                                        She also co-owns Site Et Sons Media   “until the lion tells his side of the story, the tale
                                        Productions with Zamo Ndlovu-Missie. The said  of the hunter will always glorify the hunter”.
                                        production has produced Judge Thenjiwe and  Let us restore the culture of seeing our
                                        Meet the Khambules which played on DSTV  grandparents as a source of knowledge and
                                        Chanel 157 every Saturday and Sunday in 2018.  wisdom. We need to sit down and talk with them
                                        Also in the same year, Thenjiwe won Comedian  about who we are and translate the information
                                        of the Year Award from Great Impact Award.  to the young ones and, most importantly, record
                                        Currently, the company is working on pre-  our own stories. Also, let us learn from our sister
                                        production of the Zambian version of Judge  countries in and around Africa who got their
                                        Thenjiwe for Zambian TV. And she’s back on  freedom before us. Lastly, let us strive to keep
                                        Imbewu on                       spirit of ubuntu alive in our society because
                                                                              that’s what defines us as Africans.
                                        Thenjiwe is indeed an INK Achiever and she has
                                        flown up high the flag of KwaMashu.

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