Page 8 - Test Mag
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PROFILE                                                                                      JUNE 20202

         “Keep                          While a good conclusion is an important  Magazines are publications, usually
                                        ingredient for newspaper articles, the
                                                                              periodical publications, that are printed or
         evolving,                      immediacy of a deadline environment means  published electronically. (The online
                                        that copy editing often takes the form of
                                                                              versions are called online magazines.)
         keep                           deleting everything past an arbitrary point in    They are generally published on a regular
                                        the story corresponding to the dictates of
                                        available space on a page.            schedule and contain a variety of content.
         thinking,                                                            They are generally financed by advertising,

         keep                             ON TAKING RISKS                     by a purchase price, by prepaid
                                                                              subscriptions, or a combination of the three.
                                        Therefore, newspaper reporters are trained
         pushing                        to write in inverted pyramid style, with all  At its root, the word "magazine" refers to a
                                                                              collection or storage location.
                                        the most important information in the first
         yourself.                      paragraph or two.                       The emergence of the new media branch has

         Stay on top                    If the less vital details are pushed towards  to be seen in close connection with the
                                                                              simultaneous spread of the printing press
                                        the end of the story, then the potentially
         of it.”                        destructive impact of draconian copy editing  from which the publishing press derives
                                                                              its name.
                                        will be minimized.


                                                                              TOP TIPS

                                                                              FOR ASPIRING

                                                                              Stella shares words of wisdom from
                                                                              her years of experience as a young

                                                                              E X P E R I M E N T
                                                                              If you're undecided on which path
                                                                              to take, try several paths and then
                                                                              decide which one is the best fit.
                                                                              Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “All
                                                                              life is an experiment. The more
                                                                              experiments you make the better.”

                                                                              HAVE A CLEAR IDEA OF
                                                                              WHAT YOU WANT.
                                                                              “It's not hard to decide what you
                                                                              want your life to be about.
                                                                              What's hard, she said, is figuring
                                                                              out what you're willing to give
                                                                              up in order to do the things
                                                                              you really care about.”

                                                                              WORK ON PERSONAL
                                                                              Simeon Kondev once said, “I feel like
                                                                              every project I work on is a dream
                                                                              project, so long as I am learning.”

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