Page 26 - THED Fall Showcase Program 2019
P. 26

Lauren Bizzigotti
Light of the Valley is a community center for the innovative individuals that make up Silicon Valley, California. Designed to be submitted to the Urban Confluence Silicon Valley design competition, Light of the Valley is a place for the community to admire past ideations, and a place to create future ones. Visitors can choose to spend their time collaborating with other professionals, focusing on individual work, or taking a break from a hectic work week. To admire the beauty of the surrounding landscape, an enormous light bulb creates an icon for the community and a 360-degree view from up high. Below, visitors can appreciate the history of the companies that make up Silicon Valley in an informative river walk and play games to refresh the brain. Light of the Valley will impact locals in the ideation process and appeal to tourists due to its compelling and appealing environment.

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