Page 13 - Healthcare Storage Solutions
P. 13

                           Optimize Workflow. Maximize Space Utilization.

                                       Operate with Greater Efficiency.

                                                                                          Simplified Installation
                                                                                          Large open backs enable
                                                                                          access to and simplified
                                                                                          installation of cords and

           Cord Management
           Cord pass-throughs
           between shelves and                                                             Space Optimization
           cabinets provide wiring                                                         Tower houses switching
           convenience and                                                                 units and peripherals

           Optimal Positioning
           Large pullout
           work surface for
           touchscreen allows
           nurse clinician to
           view the procedure.

           Finish Options
           Available in stainless
           or laminate finishes
                                      Equipment-Ready                             Accessibility
                                      Vented doors and large                      Pull-out shelf provides access to
                                      open backs are designed                     wiring and equipment for easy
                                      to maximize airflow                         setup and maintenance.
                                      and reduce heat buildup.

                      Pull-out shelf allows   Pull-out work surface   Open cabinet back   Cord pass-throughs
                      for easy loading and   offers alternate     provides easy access   between shelves and
                      accessibility         positions for staff to   to electrical outlets  cabinets for quick
                                            view the procedural   and equipment          and easy routing of
                                            area.                 wiring while ensuring    cords.
                                                                  necessary ventilation.

                     Phone:  1(877)457-8012   fax:   (604)591-8034   email:
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