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2023 Li le Creek Farms & Friends Brangus Bull Sale

                                    Expected Progeny Differences (EPD’s) and Their Value
                All EPD’s given throughout this catalog are the most current numbers available at the  me of
                                          Our catalog being produced and forma e

         EPD Descrip on:
            Calving Ease Direct (CED)  Diffference in percentage of unassisted births,with a higher value indica ng greater calving ease in first calf heifers.
            Birth Weight (BW) EPD predicts calf birth weight of a bull’s progeny when compared to the breed average, in pounds.
            Weaning Weight (WW) EPD predicts the weaning weights of a bull’s progeny when compared to the breed average, in pounds.
            Yearling Weight (YW) EPD predicts the yearling weights of a bull’s progeny when compared to the breed average, in pounds.
            Milk (M) EPD predicts the maternal contribu on to weaning weight of the calf, expressed in pounds of the calf, a ributed to the milking ability
                of a bull’s daughters.  This is through milk produc on, behavior, immunity and other maternal environmental factors.
            Total Maternal EPD(TM) predicts the weaning weight of a sire’s daughters’ calves.  Equal to his milk EPD plus half his WW EPD.
            Scrotal Circumference (SC) EPD predicts tes cular size at puberty.

         Ultrasound EPD’s:
            Ribeye Area (REA) EPD predicts the adjusted ribeye area of a sire’s progeny, measured in square inches.
            Intramuscular Fat (IMF) EPD predicts % of intramuscular fat which is highly correlated to marbling.
            Rib Fat Thickness (FT) EPD predicts the adjusted twel h rib fat thickness of a sire’s progeny, expressed in inches.
            REA and FT are primary components of USDA Yield Grade, and marbling is the primary component of USDA Quality Grade.

         Fer lity EPD’s:
            Heifer Pregnancy (HPreg) EPD predicts the probability that an animal’s offspring will breed and have a calf as a two year old.
            Stayability (Stay) EPD predicts the likelihood an animal’s daughters will s ll be in the herd at six years old versus the average of the breed.
            Cow Weight (CW) EPD is a predic on of how much an animal’s daughters will weigh as a five year old versus the average of the breed.
            Terminal Index (TI) EPD combines birth weight, weaning weight, milk produc on, post wean gain, Ribeye area, marbling, and back fat EPD’s
               into a single number.  The index is expressed as a standard devia on from the breed average, meaning that bulls with a +2 index are two
               standard Devia ons above the average.  Higher numbers are superior to low numbers.
            Fer lity Index (FI) EPD is an index that combines heifer pregnancy, stayability, the age a cow will first calve, mature cow weight, and back fat
              EPD’s into a single number.  The index is expressed as a standard devia on from the breed average, meaning that bulls with a +2 index are
              two standard devia ons above the average.  Higher numbers are superior to low numbers.

         Performance Values:
            Actual Birth Weight (BW) is reported from the producer
            Weaning Weight (WW) is adjusted to 205 days
            Yearling Weight (YW) is adjusted to 365 days
            Scrotal Circumference (SC) is adjusted to 365 days.
            Average Daily Gain (ADG) is a measure of growth rate on a high energy diet.  It is posi vely associated with feed efficiency.
            Ribeye Areas (REA), Intramuscular Fats (IMF) and Fat Thickness (FT) are actual measurements taken right before our sale.

                                     Private Herd #    Birthdate            Polled or Scurred
                                   10             SR CENTENIAL 345J
                      Sale Lot #                                                                  Breeder
                                             Reg. #:
                                                                               PHN:   Birthdate:   P/S:   Genera on
                                           R10465737   345J   01/29/2021   P   6th  Gen.
                                                                                                  Genera on
                Registra on #                      LCF CENTENIAL 2W2   EPD’S   %   Above average
                                   SIRE:   SR CENTENIAL 265Z   CED   7.3   10%   EPD’s across the
                                                  LCF MS DUKE 265T4              Board.
                                                               BW   -1.1   15%   Moderate Build,   Brief Descrip on
                  Parentage                       GARRETT OF BRINKS 789P   WW   28   40%   Tight Frame.
                                   DAM:  SR MS GARRETT 345D
                                                  SR MS CADENCE 345B   YW   55   35%
                                                                M    13   15%
                                                                                               Growth and Maternal
                                     BW    205 Wt   365 Wt   ADG   TM   27   20%               EPD’s
         Performance Values          79   598(100)   905(100)   1.94   CEM   3.93  25%   HPreg  0.66
                                    09.06.2022 ACTUAL MEASUTEMENTS   SC   0.66  30%   STAY   0.89
                                     RIB EYE AREA:   13.3      REA   0.42  35%   C.WGT.  0.32      Fer lity EPD’s

         ACTUAL Rib Eye, IMF and        IMF:         1.87      IMF   0.05  50%   TERM  2.75  30%
         FAT Thickness Measurements    RIB FAT:      0.26      FAT   -.054  10%   FERT   -0.5

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