Page 62 - e-CPG-SLE-8_5_24
P. 62

Management of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

           of SLE is thus important in deciding the best management approach as
           inadequate treatment may lead to significant morbidity and mortality.
           Heterogeneity  of  disease  manifestation  warrants  MDT  involvement.
           Based on the recommendations in the CPG, the need for specialised
           care and certain expensive medications has resource implications that
           need to be addressed in the management of SLE.
           In  line  with  the  key  recommendations  in  this  CPG,  the  following  is
           proposed as clinical audit indicator for quality management of SLE:
           of newly       Number of newly diagnosed SLE patients
           diagnosed            prescribed HCQ in a period

                                                                              X  100%

           SLE patients   =     Total number of newly diagnosed SLE
           prescribed          patients in the same period
           *Target of 90%

           Implementation strategies will be developed following the approval of
           the CPG by MoH which include Quick Reference and Training Module.

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