Page 72 - e-CPG-SLE-8_5_24
P. 72

Management of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

                                                          Appendix 2

                              CLINICAL QUESTIONS
           1.  Diagnosis and assessment
               •  What are the risk factors for SLE?
               •  What are the accurate investigations to diagnose and assess
               •  What are the classification criteria for SLE?
           2.  Treatment
               •  What are the principles of treatment in SLE?
               •  What are the safe and effective non-pharmacological treatments
                 in SLE?
                   Patient education
                   Sun protection
                   Nurse-led care
               •  What are the safe and effective pharmacological treatments in
                   Analgesics
                   Corticosteroids
                   Hydroxychloroquine and other antimalarial agents
                   Immunosuppressive agents
                   Biologics
                   Intravenous immunoglobulin
                   Plasma exchange
               •  What are the safe and effective alternative and complementary
                 medicine in SLE?
               •  What are the safe and effective organ system-specific treatments
                 in SLE?
                   Mucocutaneous
                   Musculoskeletal
                   Haematological
                   Neuropsychiatric
                   Cardio-respiratory
                   Renal
           3.  Monitoring
               •  What are the effective and safe monitoring in SLE?
                   Frequency and interval
                   Parameters
                   Co-morbidities
                   -  Cardiovascular
                   -  Infection
                   -  Osteoporosis
                   -  Malignancy
                   Drug adverse events and complications

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