Page 2 - Issue 35 - Summer 2023 - Bridging the Gap
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Bridging the Gap Issue 35 | Summer 2023
Joint Health & Safety Committee Corner
A Message from the HSE Team:
The HSE department has come out of a the plans will allow for future access on future work,
successful summer with a direction to internalize adhering to municipal, provincial and federal
and close out existing items that we have looked mandates.
at or worked through over the last year. After our
successful COR Certification in 2022, we closed The input from the workforce via the JHSC meetings to
out our WSIB Excellence Program which enables shop/yard meetings have been fruitful. We are getting
us to continue to strengthen our safety systems direct feedback from the supervisors and sites with
as well as obtain rebates for our successful needs, ideas, and suggestions, for which we are very
submissions. In 2023 we successfully submitted appreciative of. The training to date is just about 99%
our internal COR Maintenance Audit - A very complete - I would like to thank everyone for their
special thank you to all of Facca’s employees for commitment to making this possible. The HSE team
their part in job performance and professionalism, has worked on training, onboarding and the supporting
and for Facca for allowing the HSE team the of modified duties with online training.
autonomy to work through this.
The HSE team is working with LIUNA to make workers
This year we are looking at continuous aware of their benefits, such as $450 every two years,
improvements with regard to our program and which can be put towards prescription safety glasses,
tools to support that, such as tablets, apps, easier etc. Please take advantage of these benefits. By
forms, easier access. Throughout the year we utilizing the benefits you are compliant with the safety
have worked through computer or phone issues glasses needed and used in the field, and more
to enable sites that do not have an administrative importantly, you are protecting yourself!
support person to be able to function. The HSE
team members have been supporting in the field I wish to thank all of the workforce for their efforts now
and that will continue as we are all engaged on and during the summer months - hot days on the
work sites, etc. If the HSE team supports the sites highway, hot days on bridge decks, add to that the PPE
during busy times to support the site and being worn, the fires that burned throughout Quebec,
PM/Supervisor, then we all win - this support will Nova Scotia and out West, which affected the air
allow greater insight into activities as we work our quality, etc. No matter what job, what site, what task -
Plan, Do, Check, Act. please ensure that you have the training, correct PPE,
and are fit for duty as our work demands that attention.
The work that we are undertaking has an
emphasis on the environment. Working with Thank you for what you do each and every day!
bridging authorities or in isolated areas up north
had the spotlight on our environmental plans and Sincerely,
performance, and has created another avenue of Barry Coleman | OH&S Manager & the Facca HSE Team.
concern for the HSE team. The plans for the
Bluewater Bridge, BNA, Hornepayne have been
broadened by the environmental concerns and