Page 32 - Juan "Ado" Crausus
P. 32

Juan "Ado" Crausus                                                                          Direct Relations

         160. JEREMY SIMBAJON (Juan's great-granddaughter) was born to Ernesto Simbajon 255  and Mary Fe "Inday" Crausus 254 , as
                       shown in family tree 54.

         161. JORJIE ABALDE (Juan's great-granddaughter) was born to Rosario Abalde 257 , as shown in family tree 55.

         162. IRENE ABALDE (Juan's great-granddaughter) was born to Erving Abalde 258  and Bellavic Wong 259 , as shown in family
                       tree 56.

         163. ERIKA ABALDE (Juan's great-granddaughter) was born to Erving Abalde 258  and Bellavic Wong 259 , as shown in family
                       tree 56.

         164. MARY ROSE "APPLE" ABALDE (Juan's great-granddaughter) was born to Ernie Abalde 260  and Janet Mahumok 261 , as
                       shown in family tree 57.  Mary became known as “Apple”.  She is no longer living.

         165. IRENIO ABALDE III (Juan's great-grandson) was born to Ernie Abalde 260  and Janet Mahumok 261 , as shown in family
                       tree 57.

         166. LATHIA ABALDE (Juan's great-granddaughter) was born in Philippines to Ernie Abalde 260  and Janet Mahumok 261 , as
                       shown in family tree 57.  She died in Philippines.  She was buried in Aguada Cemetery.

         167. KATE ALLEN MARIE CRAUSUS (Juan's great-granddaughter) was born on 5 June 2000, in Philippines, to Alvin "Eli
                       Elem" Crausus 263  and Marisel Mabia 264 , as shown in family tree 58.

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