Page 49 - Volunteers
P. 49
• You will receive an updated list of closures and moves on
your first day back. Some of the changes are:
1. Ambulatory Care Centre (ACC) moved to 1G (formerly
called 1F). ACC space on the Ground floor is now part of
Emergency. No through access to Emergency from
Ground floor near the Lab waiting area. Limited access
to elevator #9.
2. No access to the Fracture Clinic or Diagnostic Imaging
through Emergency.
3. Surgical Family Waiting Room and the Intensive Care
(ICU) Waiting Room are currently closed.
4. Our East wing elevator has been repaired! It now
provides easy access to clinics and services in the East
5. Chapel update: Mass held Sundays at 10:30 a.m. and
weekdays at noon, following social distancing rules.
• You will hear the term ECP being used often. An ECP is an
Essential Care Partner, someone already in the patient’s
social circle who is allowed to schedule a visit or accompany
a patient as pre-approved by the healthcare team. This can
change as Unity Health evaluates risk factors continuously as
the pandemic evolves.