Page 28 - Fire Alarm-Combined
P. 28

Application                                            Remote Microphone Specifications
       VM-LOCs should be located to provide response personnel and   Voltage   21 to 27 VDC
       building occupants ready access to the MNEC system. Consoles   Current  52 mA
       should be used to send messages in emergency situations from   Wiring
       locations in the building other than from the VM control panel,     Type
       which in MNEC terminology, operates as an Autonomous Control      Audio out   14 to 18 AWG (1.0 to 2.5 mm²) max.,
       Unit (ACU).                                                             shielded twisted-pair, in conduit
                                                                  Key out      14 to 18 AWG (1.0 to 2.5 mm²) max.,
       LOC Location Guidelines: 1                                              twisted-pair, in conduit
                                                                 Resistance    210 Ω max.
       •   Provide a separate LOC for use by the fire department near     Capacitance  1 µF
           the building fire alarm control panel (or fire command center)   Audio Output  1 VRMS at 400 to 4,000 Hz (4 kHz)
           unless this is also the location of the ACU.        Trouble relay
       •   Do not place an LOC inside locked rooms or closets (with the     Current   1 A at 30 VDC resistive
           possible exception of the operating console intended for use     UL rating  Common
           by the fire department near the FACP).              Operating environment  32 to 120°F (0 to 49°C)
       •   Install LOCs at those facility entrances/exits that will be used     Relative humidity  0 to 93% noncondensing
           when building access is limited during emergency situations.
       •   Locate LOCs so that occupants do not need to travel a dis-
           tance in excess of 200 ft (61 m) horizontally or to other floors
           to access one.                                     Remote Microphone Wiring
       •   Make LOCs available for use by visitors in those facilities open                           REMICA key in
           to unescorted visitors or to the public.                                                   REMICA audio in
                                                                   Aux power 2  + -  1.8K Ω  47K Ω
       1 Unified Facilities Criteria 4-021-01: Design and Operation of Mass   Aux power 1  + -
       Notification Systems, 5-6.1 & 4-5.1.                                  TB1               8  7
                                                                                B              43  21
                                                                                           SLC +   + SLC
                                                                                            in -    -  out
                                                                               P3      P4
                    NETWORKA  UDIO  AUDIOA  UDIO  AUDIO  R  C  AB
                    OUT  IN  A IN  A OUT  B IN  B OUT  R  T  T  O  RS-485  RS-485
                   AA  BB  X 1  X 1  S 1  M  BUSB  US
                   +-  +-  +-  +-  +-  +-  1  -+  +  -
                                                                                                      REMICA key in
                                                                                                      REMICA audio in
                                                                                     1.8K Ω
                             Aux power 2  + -       47K Ω         Aux power 2  + -
                         N.C.                                                            47K Ω
                             Aux power 1  + -                     Aux power 1  + -
                       KEYA  UDIO  AUX OUTA UX IN                            TB1
                      AUDIO             TB1
                      DATA  REMOTE MIC                    8  7                                 8  7
                      EAEC                                    CT1                                   CT1
                                           B              43  21                B              43  21
                                           A                                    A
                                           JP2                                  JP2
                                                     SLC +    + SLC                        SLC +   + SLC
                                                       in -   -  out                        in -    -  out
                                                   B                                    B
                                                   A                                    A
                                                  JP1                                  JP1
                                              J1                                   J1
                                          P3      P4                           P3      P4
                                          VM-REMICA                             VM-REMICA

       Page 2 of 4                                                                  DA T A SHEET  K85006-0068
                                                                              Not to be used for installation purposes.  Issue 1
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