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Product specifications

          Table 1 gives the product specifications for the Cisco Business 350 Series Switches.

          Table 1.   Product Specifications

           Feature                   Description


           Switching capacity and    Model Name           Capacity in       Switching Capacity in Gigabits per Second
           forwarding rate                                Millions of Packets  (Gbps)
                                                          per Second (mpps)
           All switches are wire speed                    (64-byte packets)
           and nonblocking
                                     CBS350-8T-E-2G       14.88             20.0

                                     CBS350-8P-2G         14.88             20.0

                                     CBS350-8P-E-2G       14.88             20.0
                                     CBS350-8FP-2G        14.88             20.0

                                     CBS350-8FP-E-2G      14.88             20.0

                                     CBS350-8S-E-2G       14.88             20.0

                                     CBS350-16T-2G        26.78             36.0

                                     CBS350-16T-E-2G      26.78             36.0

                                     CBS350-16P-2G        26.78             36.0

                                     CBS350-16P-E-2G      26.78             36.0

                                     CBS350-16FP-2G       26.78             36.0

                                     CBS350-24T-4G        41.66             56.0

                                     CBS350-24P-4G        41.66             56.0

                                     CBS350-24FP-4G       41.66             56.0
                                     CBS350-24S-4G        41.66             56.0

                                     CBS350-48T-4G        77.38             104.0

                                     CBS350-48P-4G        77.38             104.0

                                     CBS350-48FP-4G       77.38             104.0

                                     CBS350-24T-4X        95.23             128.0

                                     CBS350-24P-4X        95.23             128.0

                                     CBS350-24FP-4X       95.23             128.0

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