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                                       A Step-by-Step

                                       Guide to Resilience

                                                             By Rifka Schonfeld, Director of S.O.S.
                                                                 (Strategies For Optimum Success)
             “Each  one  of  us  is  like  a  sailboat.  When  the
             waves  of  life  come,  do  you  get  rocked,  or  do   for resilience.

             – Rick Hanson, PhD
                                                      step guide towards resilience:
             There are all kinds of books out there focusing
                                                      Every  human  being  has  three  basic  needs  –

             learning or experience. There are books about
             rewiring your brain for happiness, about rewir-  While  our  circumstances  have  changed  enor-
                                                      mously  over  the  last  two  hundred  thousand
             how rewiring works. Rick Hanson, a psychologist   years,  our  brains  have  remained  largely  the
             and New York Times bestselling author, recently   same.  The  neural  machinery that  enabled  our
             wrote a new book that focusing on how to rewire                               -
             your brain for resilience. His book Resilient: How
             to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength
             and Happiness proves a detailed and intensive   our brains today.
             approach to reshaping your brain, your thinking,
             and your response to life’s setbacks.                                         -
                                                      ognizing what’s true, resourcing ourselves, reg-
             First, let me describe what Hanson means by re-                               -
                                                  -   ing skillfully to others and the wider world.
             sity, trauma or setbacks and to keep on going.
             That is, it’s the capability to fail but choose to try   He  organizes  these  three  needs  and  the  four
             again. Resilience is necessary in order to survive
             and to move forward in life, it is also necessary   beginning  with  compassion  and  ending  with
             to thrive and grow. If we are not resilient, we   generosity. Hanson explains that the path con-
             end up shrinking from risks and not advancing.   cludes  with  generosity  because  “growing  the
             Resilience  allows  us  to  deal  with  stress,  work   good inside yourself gives you more and more

             adapt to a changing world.

             you either have or you don’t have, something
             ready born with it. Fortunately, Hanson wholly   these individual strengths, you will feel less anx-
             like riding a bike or any other muscle memory, it
             is possible to rewire your brain for resilience. In
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