Page 136 - 18-24 Sept 19, 21
P. 136

               5RVK <HVKLYD RI <HVKLYD RI
               6RXWK )DOOVEXUJ

                 “(B'shum ofen) under no circumstances
               should a boy or girl take the vaccine. It is
               If they want to

               fulfill the mitzvah of Peru

               Urevu they should not think

               of taking this vaccine.
               It could have fertility effects; neither a boy nor a girl should take the
               vaccine. The fertility concern is a possibility; there is no proof.”
               “It's not a reason to endanger oneself; to go back [to eretz yisrael] yeshiva
               or seminary.”
               “This is an experimental vaccine, turns over the DNA; the yesod. It could
               possibly add on life but… great damages.
               “Be Mefarsem as much as possible; even for older people if they will listen
               to you continue telling people about dangers.
               “Keep publicizing as much as possible. "You could be saving hundreds of

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