Page 25 - 18-50 March 30, '22
P. 25
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By Rifka Schonfeld, Director of S.O.S.
(Strategies For Optimum Success)
Q: I recently heard about Amy Cud- In interviews, Cuddy talks about two
dy’s book and talk Presence. Can -
you explain her theory a bit? Also,
can you explain how this could help nervous test taker and you have stud-
children in school? ied madly for a huge test (like the SATs,
MCATs or LSATs) and you are worried
you will choke when you get to the
A: In 2012, Harvard professor Amy test. You know the material, but just
Cuddy delivered a TED Talk that has
since been watched by over thirty the test. Try the power poses before.
million people. The talk centered on They will relax and empower you.
power poses. Cuddy explains that our
body language not only subtly tells A teacher who works with students
other people what we feel, but also af-
fects our internal state. She explained Presence helped with a child with se-
that there are certain poses that are -
open, that take up more space that
increase testosterone (the hormone taught him about power posing and
that makes us bold) and decrease about how everyone feels scared, and
through these encouragement and
stressed). -
ipate in class discussions.