Page 120 - 18-46 March 2, '22
P. 120
wraps Purim
Cake Prepare the Cake
4 large eggs, separated Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celsius). Line a 12x17-
2/3 cup sugar, divided inch (30x43-centimeter) baking sheet with Parchment Paper and spray well
with cooking spray.
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon instant form. Transfer egg whites to another bowl and set aside.
In the mixer bowl, beat egg yolks, remaining 1/3 cup sugar, and vanilla extract
in 1 tablespoon hot water
3 tablespoons oil and cocoa. Mix until well combined.
1/2 cup Flour Using a rubber spatula, gently fold in egg whites. Make sure to fully incorporate
whites with chocolate batter, but do not overmix. Spread batter evenly over
3 tablespoons Cocoa the baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes.
Powder, plus more for While the cake bakes, lay a clean dishtowel on the counter and lightly dust it
dusting with cocoa powder.
1 teaspoon baking When the cake is baked, remove it from the oven, run a knife around the edge
pinch salt roll up the cake along the long side (along with the parchment paper) and set
aside to cool.
Cream Filling Prepare the Filling
1 cup whipping cream
3 tablespoons
Confectioners' Sugar When the cake is cool, unroll it, remove the parchment paper, and spread the
cake evenly with cream.
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons Slice the cake into thirds along the length. Roll each strip tightly and slice
each long roll into eight pieces. If you have a wire cooling rack, place it over a
Marshmallow Creme baking sheet and line the cake rolls on the rack. Store cake in the refrigerator
(optional) while you prepare the ganache topping.
Prepare the Topping
Ganache Topping
2 3 and 1.2-ounce in a small saucepan just until bubbles begin to
bars good-quality dark appear at the surface — do not allow it to come to a boil.
chocolate Pour cream over the chocolate, let it sit for two to three minutes, and then stir
2 teaspoons Light Corn until completely smooth.
1 cup whipping cream Pour ganache all over each cake roll. Garnish with drizzled white chocolate,
white chocolate, for before serving.
garnish (optional)
Tip: You can prepare this cake in stages. If you bake the cake and only add
crushed nuts, for garnish cream the next day, make sure cake is at room temperature before you unroll
(optional) it, so it’s less likely to crack.