Page 120 - 18-27 Oct 20, 21
P. 120

Sheet pan Dinners wraps

             INGREDIENTS                    DIRECTIONS

             Roasted Chicken with           Prepare the Roasted Chicken with Eggplant
             Eggplant and Mushrooms         and Mushrooms

             4–6 pieces chicken, bone-in    Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (200
                                            degrees Celsius). Line a baking sheet with Gefen
             1/4 cup olive oil              Parchment Paper.

             parsley                        In a small bowl, whisk together oil, parsley,
             2 tablespoons spicy brown      mustard, garlic, vinegar, salt, and pepper. Set
             or Dijon Mustard               aside.
             3 cloves garlic, minced or 3   Place mushrooms and eggplant on prepared baking
             cubes Frozen Garlic            sheet, and toss with two-thirds of the reserved
             1 tablespoon Red Wine          sauce.
             Vinegar                        Place chicken pieces over the veggies and pour the
             1 teaspoon kosher salt         remaining sauce over them. Spread the sauce over
             1/4 teaspoon pepper            the entire surface of the chicken.
             4 portobello mushrooms,
             sliced                         Bake for 60 minutes, until the tops are golden
                                            brown and the veggies are cooked through.
             1 large eggplant, cut in
             half-moon slices
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