Page 109 - 18-23 Sept 9, 21
P. 109


                           Dubash Torte

             wraps  Yom tov Dessert

          INGREDIENTS           DIRECTIONS
                                Prepare the Dubash Torte
          Special Equipment     Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.

          as many 9-inch cake   Prepare the cake layers. In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat egg whites until
          pans as you own or    stiϑ. Slowly add in sugar. With the mixer on low, add Àour, then shut oϑ mixer and
                                ¿nish mixing in the Àour by hand using a spatula.
          can borrow
                                Using a pastry brush, brush the bottom of a nine-inch cake pan liberally with oil.
          Cake                  Ladle one-fourth cup of batter onto the bottom of the pan and spread thinly using
                                an oϑset spatula. Continue, depending on how many cake pans you have. Bake
                                cake layers for ¿ve minutes, or until top is completely golden. Repeat with all 1
          12 eggs, separated    layers.
          1 cup sugar
          1 and 1 4 cups Flour  While cake layers are still hot, carefully wedge an oϑset spatula between the cake
                                and the pan to separate all the edges, then carefully remove the layer from the
          oil, for greasing pans  pan. Set aside to cool.
          Cream                 Prepare the Cream
                                Melt chocolate over a double boiler.
          6 ounces chocolate,   In a pot, whisk together eggs and sugar. Cook until warm and smooth. You can
          chopped               strain this mixture if desired.
          2 cups (4 sticks)
          margarine, at room    In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat margarine. Add in melted chocolate, egg
                                mixture, and coϑee, and blend until smooth.
          4 eggs                Note: This can be prepared in advance.
          3 4 cup sugar         Assembly
          1 tablespoon instant   Place a cake layer on a stand with a piece of parchment paper underneath. Scoop
          coϑee                 one-fourth cup of chocolate cream on top of cake layer. Spread thinly using an
                                oϑset spatula. Continue until all layers are creamed. Use additional cream and the
                                spatula to coat the outsides of the cake.
                                Prepare the topping. Melt sugar in a sautp pan until golden and liTui¿ed. Pour onto
                                a greased baking sheet. Let cool and harden. Once completely hardened, break
          2 cups sugar          into shards. Use on top of cake to decorate.
          Whipped Topping, for
          decoration            Finish cake by piping rosettes of whipped topping around the exterior edge.
                                Tip: After creaming the cake once, you can freeze it, and then cream it again to
                                get smoother layers of cream on the exterior.

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