Page 108 - 18-32 Nov 24 2021
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in your home that is a “reading nest” – a
cozy chair or couch that is a quiet space for
reading and discussion. Even when your
- Nowhere is this “campaign to engage”
ue reading to him and have him read aloud more important than in the teaching of
to you so that you can give feedback. nekudos—one of the early milestones of
5. Use – don’t abuse – technology and bal- many children.
ance your child’s diet of fun. Don’t let tech-
nology take over your house; keep it out of Unlike English vowels that “say their own
your child’s bedroom. Make sure that your names,” a Hebrew vowel comes with a
name and a sound that bear no obvious
your own use of technology and be a role correspond with ah? What does segol have
model who reads for pleasure.
apparent rhyme or reason here.
Nancy Newman has pointed out that with
reading, we need to make sure that the fo-
cus is on pleasure. Reading should be fun to master these confusing arrangements of
dots, learn both their names and sound,
tasked with work that has become rote and and remember to use only the sound, not
- the name, when learning to read.
pression on your child’s face, the sagging
shoulders and half-closed eyes that signify
rows of spelling words to copy or informa-
hopelessly alike. Is it any wonder that it
takes some children many weeks, if not
to combat tedium and monotony in reading kamatz, patach, segol and shevah?
we make learning to read enjoyable and
In essence, we “lure” our young students kriah teachers rise to the challenge with an
into doing the necessary brainwork by load- assortment of popular strategies.
hearts and minds.