Page 104 - 19-10 June 29, 22
P. 104

wraps  Cherry Delight

                 INGREDIENTS                            DIRECTIONS
                 Main ingredients                       Prepare the Filling

                 1 1-pound bag frozen pitted            Place cherries, sugar, lemon juice,
                                                        and  ¼  cup  water  in  a  medium-
                 cherries or fresh pitted cherries      sized,  heavy-bottomed  pot.  Bring
                 1/2–3/4 cup sugar or to taste          until cherries are soft.
                                                        Dissolve   cornstarch   in   two
                 1–2 tablespoons lemon juice            tablespoons water. Add a bit of the
                                                        hot  liquid to this and then add  to
                 1/4 cup water, plus 2                  the pot.
                 tablespoons water                      Stir  constantly  while  returning  to
                                                        a boil. The mixture should thicken.
                 2–3 tablespoons Cornstarch
                                                        desired. Allow to cool.
                 1/8 teaspoon Almond Extract            Note: Yields two cups. This can be
                 (optional)                             frozen.
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