Page 101 - 18-20_Aug 18, 2021
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NEW                          These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.


                                                Shield your immune system

                                                Vax-C-Max ™  is the most protective formula to   SRZHUIXOO\  GHIHQG  \RXU  ERG\  IURP  LQưDPPDWLRQ
                                                defend your body from free radicals, reduce   DQG RWKHU KHDOWK FKDOOHQJHV
                                                LQưDPPDWLRQ   VWUHQJWKHQ  \RXU  LPPXQH  V\VWHP    It also contains a potent amount of vitamin C,
                                                and speed up recovery.                YLWDPLQ  '    =LQF   DQG  HOGHUEHUU\   DOO  RI  ZKLFK  ZLOO
                                                :KDW  PDNHV  WKLV  VSHFLDO  IRUPXOD  VR  VWURQJ  DQG   JLYH  \RXU  ERG\  WKH  VXSSRUW  LW  QHHGV  WR  EXLOG  WKH
                                                HƬHFWLYH  LV  4XHUFHWLQ   DQ  DQWLR[LGDQW  NQRZQ  WR   PD[LPXP LPPXQLW\ GHIHQVH

                                                               Take 3 capsules of Vax-C-Max daily.* *or as directed by a doctor or specialist

                                                     START THE    Have questions about  Email our nutritionist at or give us a
                                                     CONVERSATION  Immune support?  call at 718.787.1235 for expert advice and answers, any time.

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