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P. 71 | 917-209-8204 |

                        Apply Your Yeshiva/ Seminary Credits or
                        Your Rabbinic/ Secular Degree Toward:

               An Accredited BACHELORS DEGREE

                   BS in Business
                   BS in Behavioral Science/ Human Services
                   BS in Cyber Security                                     CONTACT
                   BS in Data Science                                          YIEP

                      ¾Additional Majors are available: contact YIEP      TO DISCUSS
                   •  Apply up to 67 Judaic credits in transfer toward   YOUR CAREER
                     the required 127 credits of the degree             OPPORTUNITIES
                   • Government tuition grants and loans available
                   •  Registration is currently underway
                   • New programs begin October & February
               An Accredited MASTERS DEGREE

                  MS in Clinical Counseling - Begins in August & January
                  MA in Educational Leadership - Begins in October

                  MS in Data Science- Begins in October
                  Master of Healthcare Administration - MHA- Begins in October
                  Master of Business Administration - MBA - Begins in October

                    ¾Additional Majors are available: contact YIEP
                  •  Apply your Bachelors Degree from any regionally accredited, state accredited,
                    AARTS or AIJS accredited or affiliated institution
                  • Government student loans available
                  •  Registration is currently underway
                                      YESHIVA INITIATIVES
                                      EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS
                                                                Bellevue University is accredited by
                                                                 The Higher Learning Commission
                 Our students have been accepted into many graduate school   (, a regional
                      programs, including Harvard, Columbia & NYU  accreditation agency recognized by the
                                                                   U.S. Department of Education.
                      Earn your degree through   ONLINE COURSES
                  (in 16-32 months, depending on the degree) accessible anywhere

     | 917-209-8204 |

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