Page 112 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 112

Chemicals of Terrorism Chapter | 5  79  does not prevent permanent damage (Goldfrank et al.,  low-melting point crystalline solid, readily soluble in
                                                                water. The solid form can produce enough vapor to cause
                Animals should be rinsed with copious amounts of
                                                                symptoms. Phosgene oxime has an unpleasant, peppery
             water. A 5% solution of sodium hypochlorite (diluted liq-  and irritating odor. Phosgene oxime is not a true vesicant
             uid household bleach) should be used as soon as possible  as it does not cause skin blisters but it does have a rapid
             on contaminated skin. Topical application of a 5% BAL  dermal urticant and corrosive effect. It can be dispersed
             ointment within 15 min of an exposure has been reported  as a liquid or vapor causing almost immediate tissue dam-
             to be effective in diminishing the blistering effects of  age upon contact.
             Lewisite (Smith, 1999). Wash BAL ointment off after
             5 min. The ointment may cause stinging, itching or urti-  Pharmacokinetics/Toxicokinetics
             caria. Burns should be managed as discussed previously
             under mustard gas. Pain control is very important.  Absorption in both dermal and inhalational exposures is
                Chelation is indicated if there is coughing, dyspnea,  complete and rapid (within seconds) (Sidell et al., 1997).
             pulmonary edema, or skin burns larger than palm size  Dermal lesions form within seconds. Phosgene oxime will
             (Goldfrank et al., 1998). BAL is an effective arsenic che-  dissolve in sweat and move to other nonexposed areas of
             lator, but requires painful deep intramuscular injections  the body as it is soluble in water (DeRosa et al., 2002).
             and has numerous side effects (hypertension, tachycardia,  Pulmonary edema can be evident on thoracic radiographs
             vomiting, lacrimation, sweating). BAL will increase the  within 2 h of high-dose exposure, 4 6 h of moderate
             clearance rate of arsenic, but it is contraindicated in ani-  exposure, and approximately 8 24 h after low-dose expo-
             mals with liver damage. 2,3-Dimercaptosuccinic acid  sure (Sidell et al., 1997).
             (DMSA, Succimer) appears to be a very effective arsenic
             chelator in animals (Graziano et al., 1978). DMSA is an  Mechanism of Action
             oral agent and is relatively nontoxic. It may be used fol-
             lowing BAL. 2,3-Dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid is  The exact mechanism action is unknown, but it has been
             related to DMSA and is used for heavy metal poisoning,  proposed that phosgene oxime reacts with SH and NH 2
             especially in Europe. It has been effective in protecting  groups and activates mast cells (Sidell et al., 1997;
             rabbits from the lethal effects of Lewisite (Aposhian  Tewari-Singh et al., 2017). Phosgene oxime exerts its
             et al., 1982).                                     greatest effects in the first capillary bed it encounters.

             Concluding Remarks                                 Toxicity
             Lewisite can remain in the environment for about 1 day.  Both liquid and vaporous phosgene oxime cause intense,
             It reacts with water to yield a solid arsenoxide that also  immediate pain and local tissue destruction on contact with
             has vesicant properties. When in contact with strong  skin, eyes and mucous membranes (Sidell et al., 1997).
             alkalis, Lewisite is decomposed to less harmful sub-  Damage to the eyes, skin and airways is similar to that
             stances. The potential for secondary contamination is high  caused by mustard gas. Following dermal contact with
             and material spilled on clothing may be transferred to  either the liquid or vapor, grayish tissue damage may be
             rescuers or medical personnel. Lewisite is considered a  seen within several minutes. The damaged areas are
             terrorist threat, as it is easy to produce and has a quick  erythematous and extremely painful. Within 1 h, the area
             onset of signs. Carcasses should be buried deeply (away  becomes edematous. Browning of the skin and blistering
             from water supplies), rendered or incinerated to insure  occurs the next day. In about 3 weeks, desquamation,
             safety of the food supply.                         necrosis, crust formation, and purulent exudate occur.
                                                                Pain can last for several days. Skin irritation begins
                                                                at 0.2 mg/min/m (12 s) for humans and is intolerable
             PHOSGENE OXIME                                     3mg/min/m (1 min) (USACHPPM, 2001d).
                                                                  Phosgene oxime is very irritating to the eyes. Very
                                                                low concentrations can cause lacrimation, inflammation,
             Phosgene oxime (Agent CX, “Nettle Rush,” CHCl 2 NO) is  and temporary blindness, and high concentrations can
             a halogenated oxime used as a blistering agent in chemi-  cause permanent corneal lesions and blindness (Sidell
             cal warfare. Other halogenated oximes include diiodofor-  et al., 1997; USACHPPM, 2001d). Inhalation or oral
             moxime, dibromoformoxime and monochloroformoxime,  absorption may cause respiratory tract irritation, dyspnea
             but phosgene oxime is the most irritant of the group and  and pulmonary edema. The noncardiogenic pulmonary
             the only one considered a terrorist warfare threat.  edema may occur after a several hour delay. Death is due
             Phosgene oxime can be found as a liquid or as a colorless,  to respiratory arrest.
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