Page 13 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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xii  Contents       Puberty                               281   19. Ionizing Radiation in Veterinary
                    Normal Male Reproductive Anatomy
                      and Physiology
                    Normal Female Reproductive Anatomy              Lisa Murphy
                      and Physiology                      286
                                                                    Introduction to Ionizing Radiation      327
                    Oocyte/Sperm Transport, Normal
                                                                      Alpha and Beta Particles              327
                      Capacitation of Sperm and Fertilization  290
                                                                      Gamma Rays and X-rays                 327
                    The Endocrinology of Pregnancy and
                                                                    Measuring Ionizing Radiation            328
                      Placentation                        291
                                                                    Sources of Radiation                    328
                    Normal Embryonic and Fetal Development  292       Natural Sources                       328
                    Parturition and Lactation             295         Nuclear Weapons                       328
                  The Mechanisms and Effects of Reproductive          Nuclear Power                         328
                    Toxicants                             296         Sterilization of Food                 329
                    The Effects of EDCs on Wildlife Species,          Medical Uses of Radiation in Human and
                      Humans and Domestic Animals         296           Veterinary Medicine                 329
                    Toxicants Affecting the Male Reproductive       Absorption, Distribution, and Accumulation
                      Function                            299         of Radioactive Contaminants in Animals  329
                    Toxicants Affecting the Female                  Acute Effects of Radiation Exposure in
                      Reproductive Function               303
                                                                      Animals                               330
                    Teratogenesis and Abortion            305
                                                                    Long-Term Impacts of Radiation Exposure in
                  Concluding Remarks                      312
                                                                      Animals                               332
                  References                              313
                                                                    Mitigating Acute Radiation Exposures in
                  Further Reading                         316
                                                                      Animals                               333
                                                                      Minimizing Exposure                   333
                                                                      Prophylaxis                           333
             Section III                                              Triage and Screening                  334
                                                                      Decontamination                       334
             Nanoparticles, Radiation and                             Additional Treatments and Monitoring  334
             Carcinogens                                            Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  335
                                                                    References                              335
             18. Toxicity of Nanomaterials
                                                                20. Carcinogenesis: Mechanisms and
                  Deon van der Merwe and John A. Pickrell
                  Introduction                            319
                                                                    Supratim Choudhuri, Ronald Chanderbhan
                  Nanomaterials Characterization          321
                                                                    and Antonia Mattia
                  Animal or Tissue Exposures              321
                    In Vitro Exposures to Nanomaterials   321       Introduction                            339
                  Intratracheal Instillation Pharyngeal             Terminology                             339
                    Aspiration                            322       Agents Causing Carcinogenesis           339
                    Ultrafine Particles                   322         Chemical Carcinogenesis               339
                    Carbon Nanotubes                      322         Oncogenes, Tumor Suppressor Genes,
                  Intranasal Exposure                     323           and the Genetic Basis of Carcinogenesis  348
                  Inhalation Exposure                     323         Radiation Carcinogenesis              350
                  Epidemiological Data                    323       Epigenetic Basis of Carcinogenesis      351
                    Sulfur Dioxide (Oxides of Sulfur                  Epigenetic Changes During Carcinogenesis
                      Particles)                          323           Have Been Widely Studied and Well
                    Swine Barn Dust Exposure              323           Documented                          351
                    Nanoparticle Exposure in the Home     324       Classification of Carcinogens           352
                    Dog Exposures to Automobile Exhaust             Assays for Carcinogens                  352
                      Aerosols                            324       Concluding Remarks and Future
                  Emerging Challenges                     324         Directions                            353
                  References                              325       References                              354
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