Page 168 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Toxicokinetics Chapter | 8  135  EMPIRICAL (COMPARTMENTAL)                           16
             Empirical  compartmental  pharmacokinetic  models    Ln (concentration)  4
             describe the aggregate result of all the processes involved
             in determining the concentration/time curve of a com-  2
             pound in a reference compartment, which is most often
             the venous blood, and referred to as the central compart-
             ment. It uses single or multiple compartments and       0    2    4    6    8   10   12   14   16
             first-order rate equations, chosen to optimally describe                   Time
             experimental data, with no direct physiological relevance
             or fidelity to anatomical structure or physiology. The  FIGURE 8.1 First-order decline in plasma concentrations on a semilog-
                                                                arithmic scale, according to a one-compartment model.
             main use of these models is to predict plasma concentra-
             tions in exposure conditions that are similar to the condi-
             tions under which the data were produced from which the  16
             model was derived. Traditionally, exponential equations
             have been used to quantitatively describe the changes in
             concentrations of toxic substances in plasma and tissue
             over time (Riviere, 2011; Gibaldi and Perrier, 1982).                                 Compartment 1
                Typical biexponential equation used to describe   Arbitrary units  4
             time concentration data of xenobiotics in plasma:                                     Compartment 2
                           CtðÞ 5 Ae 2α 3 t  1 Be 2β 3 t           2

             where C(t) is the xenobiotic concentration at time t, α and
             β are the slopes of the two phases with different disap-  1
                                                                     0     10     20     30     40
             pearance rates, and A and B are their intercepts with the
                In these models, the body is viewed as comprising one
                                                                FIGURE 8.2 Plasma concentrations according to a two-compartmental
             or more “equilibrium compartments” from which the  model, demonstrating the separate contributions of two compartments to
             toxic compound disappears at the same rate. These  the rise and decline in blood concentrations.
             abstract compartments are not ascribed to specific organs
             or regions of the body but are understood to encompass a
             collection of tissues with similar blood supply and affinity  For other compounds, an additional compartment (exponen-
             for the compound of interest. The number of exponential  tial term) must be added, because the plasma concentrations
             terms in these traditional compartmental kinetic models  decline in two phases, with the decline during the first
             therefore reflects the number of kinetically homogenous  phase typically being more rapid than during the second
             compartments, with an additional term added to account  phase (Fig. 8.2). Concentrations of these compounds in the
             for absorption if exposure is extravascular. These expo-  second compound rise, peak, and subsequently decline over
             nential equations then serve as the basis to calculate  time as the substance is eliminated from the body.
             physiologically relevant pharmacokinetic parameters that  This approach to toxicokinetic modeling assumes that
             reflect the various kinetic processes (V d 5 apparent vol-  absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion occur
             ume of distribution; CL 5 clearance). The equations are  at rates that are directly proportional to the concentration
             also used to predict plasma concentrations for different  of the toxicant (i.e., that they are first-order kinetic rate
             exposure scenarios.                                processes). It is important to realize that this assumption
                The most common models used to describe plasma  does not always apply for toxic compounds, particularly
             time concentration profiles of xenobiotics are the one-  at high concentrations when the transporters and the
             and two-compartment open models. The one-compartment  enzymes that facilitate these processes become saturated.
             model describes the profile of a compound that distributes  This means that, in the absence of evidence showing that
             instantaneously and evenly in the body and is eliminated  the system maintains linear, first-order kinetics over the
             at a rate that is proportional to the amount left in the body.  range of concentrations that are of interest, the values of
             On a semilogarithmic scale, plasma concentrations  kinetic parameters should be interpreted with caution and
             of these compounds decline linearly over time (Fig. 8.1).  cannot be used to extrapolate to higher or lower doses.
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