Page 316 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Reproductive Toxicity and Endocrine Disruption Chapter | 17  283  and connective tissue (Senger, 2003; Evans and Ganjam,  production of pheromone (Haschek et al., 2010). These
                                                                accessory sex glands in the male are generally considered
             2017). The Leydig cells are homologous to the theca
                                                                to be androgen dependent, with conversion of testosterone
             interna cells in the ovary and produce testosterone (also
             estrogen in some species). There are species differences  to DHT occurring in the prostate and seminal vesicles of
             with respect to the abundance of Leydig cells in the inter-  many species (Senger, 2003; Haschek et al., 2010; Evans
             stitium, and these differences are important to recognize  and Ganjam, 2017). The weights of the accessory sex
             when reporting Leydig or interstitial cell hyperplasia in  glands can be used as an indirect measure of testosterone
             response to toxicant exposure. It should also be noted that  concentrations or exposure to antiandrogens (Thomas and
             Leydig and, to a lesser extent, Sertoli cells contain  Thomas, 2001; Senger, 2003; Evans and Ganjam, 2017).
             enzymes involved in xenobiotic biotransformation, and
             the synthesis of toxic metabolites can actually occur  External Genitalia
             within the testis, in close proximity to the target cells for
                                                                The external genitalia of the male consist of the copula-
             a given reproductive toxicant (Thomas and Thomas,
                                                                tory organ or penis, the prepuce, which protects the penis
             2001; Haschek et al., 2010).
                                                                from environmental and mechanical injury, and the scro-
                                                                tum for testes positioned outside of the abdominal cavity.
             Excurrent Duct System                              Penile structure is extremely species variable, with some
             The excurrent duct system consists of the efferent duc-  species even having a special penile bone (i.e., os penis),
             tules, the epididymal duct and the ductus deferens. This  but the shaft of the penis generally consists of erectile tis-
             duct system functions to conduct spermatozoa, rete fluid  sue (corpus cavernosum and corpus spongiosum) which
             and some testicular secretory products away from the tes-  surrounds the pelvic urethra. The glans penis is homolo-
             tis and eventually into the pelvic urethra (Senger, 2003;  gous to the female clitoris, and stimulation of the glans is
             Evans and Ganjam, 2017). The reabsorption of fluid by a  the primary factor involved in the initiation of ejaculation
             species-variable number of efferent ductules is essential  (Senger, 2003; Evans and Ganjam, 2017). The scrotum
             for normal testicular function (O’Donnell et al., 2001;  protects the testes from mechanical injury and, in con-
             Hess, 2003), and these tubules terminate by joining a sin-  junction with the tunica dartos, cremaster muscle and
             gle highly coiled epididymal duct, commonly referred to  pampiniform plexus, plays a major thermoregulatory role
             as the epididymidis or epididymis. Depending on the spe-  with respect to temperature-sensitive, testicular spermato-
             cies, the epididymidis is generally subdivided into the ini-  genesis. In some species of wildlife (e.g., elephants and
             tial segment, head (caput), body (corpus) and tail (cauda),  marine mammals), the testes are positioned intra-
             with the various portions sometimes being further subdi-  abdominally. Xenobiotics, which cause hyperthermia (i.e.,
             vided (Franca et al., 2005). The primary functions of the  ergopeptine alkaloids) or which induce fever, have the
             epididymidis are transport and sustenance of sperm, reab-  potential to adversely affect spermatogenesis.
             sorption and secretion of fluid (initial segment and head,
             respectively); spermatozoal acquisition of motility and  Spermatogenesis
             fertile potential (i.e., sperm maturation); recognition and
                                                                Spermatozoa are highly specialized haploid cells equipped
             elimination of defective spermatozoa; sperm storage prior
                                                                with a self-powered flagellum to facilitate motility, as
             to ejaculation and secretory contributions to the seminal
                                                                well as an acrosome to mediate penetration of the zona
             fluid (Sutovsky et al., 2001). The epididymal transit time
                                                                pellucida. Spermatogenesis takes place within the semi-
             varies somewhat with species, but is generally approxi-
                                                                niferous tubules and consists of all the changes germ cells
             mately 7 to 14 days in length, depending on several fac-
                                                                undergo in the seminiferous epithelium in order to pro-
             tors including ejaculation frequency. The ductus deferens
                                                                duce adequate numbers of viable spermatozoa each day
             conducts spermatozoa matured in the epididymidis to the
                                                                and to continuously replace spermatogonial stem cells
             pelvic urethra which helps to form the penis.
                                                                (Thomas and Thomas, 2001; Senger, 2003; Evans and
                                                                Ganjam, 2017). Spermatogenesis provides for genetic
             Accessory Sex Glands                               diversity and ensures that germ cells are in an immuno-
             There are a number of accessory sex glands (the comple-  logically favored site (Senger, 2003; Evans and Ganjam,
             ment of which varies with species) that contribute to the  2017). The duration of spermatogenesis varies with spe-
             composition of the seminal fluid in mammals. These  cies but generally ranges between 4 and 8 weeks (approx-
             glands include the ampullae, seminal vesicles (vesicular  imately 30 60 days) in domestic and laboratory animals
             glands), prostate and bulbourethral glands (Senger, 2003;  and is approximately 75 days (almost 11 weeks) in
             Evans and Ganjam, 2017). Laboratory rodents (i.e., mice  humans. It is important to keep in mind the durations of
             and rats) have an additional gland referred to as the pre-  spermatogenesis and epididymal sperm transport in a
             putial gland, which appears to have a role in the  given species, as well as the normal, species-specific
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