Page 372 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 372  Chapter 20

             Carcinogenesis: Mechanisms and Models                                                          *

             Supratim Choudhuri, Ronald Chanderbhan and Antonia Mattia

             INTRODUCTION                                       carcinoma), squamous cell carcinoma, small cell carci-
                                                                noma, large cell carcinoma, etc. The most common
             Cancer is a general term used to refer to a pathological
                                                                types of cancers in humans are carcinomas. Cancers of
             condition that is characterized by aberrant cell growth and
                                                                embryonic tissues are denoted with the suffix “blasto-
             proliferation. Carcinogenesis is the process of cancer
                                                                ma,”  such  as  neuroblastoma  and  retinoblastoma.
             development. Animals, like humans, have always been
                                                                Similarly, cancers of connective tissue, such as bone,
             exposed to thousands of man-made and naturally occur-
                                                                cartilage, fat, muscle, and blood vessels are denoted
             ring chemical substances in their daily lives. This expo-
                                                                with the suffix “sarcoma,” such as fibrosarcoma, lipo-
             sure may come from the food they eat, the water they
                                                                sarcoma, and rhabdomyosarcoma.
             drink, and the air they breathe. Both the level of exposure
                                                                  Sometimes nonneoplastic lesions end with the “oma”
             and duration of exposure are factors that impact whether
                                                                suffix, such as hematoma and granuloma. A hematoma is
             chemicals cause cancer in humans and animals. In 1915,
                                                                a localized collection of blood outside the blood vessels
             Katsusaburo Yamagiwa and Koichi Ichikawa at Tokyo
                                                                that occurs when blood escapes into the surrounding tis-
             University pioneered the field of experimental cancer
                                                                sue because of damage to the blood vessels. A granuloma
             research when they produced tumors by repeated applica-
                                                                is a small patch of inflamed tissue that results from
             tion of coal tars on the skin of rabbits. Over the last
                                                                infection or inflammation. The terms used to describe
             50 years or so, remarkable progress has been made in
                                                                these noncancer tissue alterations are a reminder that the
             understanding the mechanism of carcinogenesis, which
                                                                terminology surrounding cancer and carcinogenesis is not
             has both a genetic and an environmental component. The
                                                                simple. Tumor typing and cancer diagnosis require the
             present chapter primarily focuses on the mechanism and
                                                                expertise of trained pathologists.
             models of chemical carcinogenesis.
             TERMINOLOGY                                        AGENTS CAUSING CARCINOGENESIS
                                                                Three main types of agents that can lead to the develop-
             Tumors or neoplasms (new growth of tissue) can be
                                                                ment of cancer are chemicals, viruses and radiation.
             benign or malignant (cancerous). In the parlance of can-
                                                                Chemical carcinogenesis is an important topic in toxicol-
             cer biology, the suffix “oma” means tumor—whether
                                                                ogy and will be the primary focus of this chapter. The
             benign or malignant. For example, adenoma, fibroma,
                                                                genetic basis of carcinogenesis including virus-induced
             and lipoma are benign tumors of glandular, fibrous
                                                                carcinogenesis and radiation-induced carcinogenesis will
             (connective), and adipose tissues, respectively, while
                                                                be discussed briefly.
             melanoma, hepatoma, and seminoma are malignant
             tumors of skin, liver, and germ cells, respectively.
             Cancer arising in the epithelial tissues lining the outer
             or inner surfaces of the body is called carcinoma.  Chemical Carcinogenesis
             Carcinomas are classified according to histological  Chemical Carcinogens Occur in Nature
             type,   and   include  adenocarcinoma  (glandular
                                                                and Can Also Be Formed by Nonindustrial
                                                                and Industrial Processes
             * The opinions expressed in this chapter are the authors’ personal opin-
             ion and they do not necessarily reflect those of FDA, DHHS, or the fed-  Chemical carcinogens are extremely diverse in structure
             eral government.                                   and they belong to very different chemical classes,
             Veterinary Toxicology. DOI:
             Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.                                            339
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