Page 393 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 393

360 SECTION | IV Drugs of Use and Abuse  endonucleases and DNA fragmentation are proposed  therapeutically for acetaminophen toxicosis. Young ani-
                                                                mals are sometimes less sensitive to acetaminophen toxi-
             causes of cell death. Production of superoxide anions
                                                                cosis than mature animals. This is the case in children and
             causing peroxidative injury occur during phase I metabo-
             lism of acetaminophen, causing oxidative stress in the  neonatal mice, and is believed to be due to the immaturity
             cell, especially once glutathione has been depleted.  of the mixed-function oxidase system and more rapid glu-
             Endothelial damage is the likely cause of clinical signs  tathione synthesis in these youngsters (MacNaughton,
             such as edema of the face and extremities and      2003).
                PAP, another reactive metabolite, is implicated in the
             hematotoxic effect seen in cats and dogs (McConkey  Clinical Signs
             et al., 2009). Unlike most species, erythrocyte injury is a  Clinical signs of acetaminophen toxicosis in cats and dogs
             major adverse effect associated with acetaminophen  are attributable to its toxic effects on erythrocytes and
             ingestion in cats. It is also observed in dogs at high doses,  hepatocytes. Clinical methemoglobinemia is the most
             although hepatotoxic effects predominate at relatively low  common problem in cats, and can also occur in dogs.
             doses in dogs. Oxidative injury to the erythrocyte takes the  Centrilobular hepatic necrosis is most common in dogs,
             form of methemoglobin production or Heinz body produc-  also occurring in other species, including cats, humans,
             tion (Rumbeiha et al., 1995; Webb et al., 2003; McConkey  rats, and hamsters (Hjelle and Grauer, 1986).
             et al., 2009). GSH becomes depleted in erythrocytes, and  Clinical signs in cats usually occur within a couple of
             hemoglobin is oxidized to methemoglobin, which cannot  hours of exposure. Anorexia and vomiting are reported in
             carry oxygen (Hjelle and Grauer, 1986; Aronson and  35% of cats presenting for acetaminophen exposure, and
             Drobatz, 1996). Animals with 30% of their hemoglobin  hypersalivation is reported in 24% (Aronson and Drobatz,
             converted to methemoglobin show clinical signs and cyano-  1996), and commonly occurs within 2 h of exposure
             sis (Rumbeiha et al., 1995). Methemoglobinemia is revers-  (Savides and Oehme, 1985). Diarrhea occurred in 18% of
             ible  through  conversion  back  to  hemoglobin  by  cats. Mental depression is reported in 76%, and usually
             methemoglobin reductase (Schlesinger, 1995). Cats have  takes place within 3 h.
             less methemoglobin reductase activity than other domestic  Methemoglobinemia occurs within the 4 h of acet-
             species (MacNaughton, 2003). Acetaminophen can produce  aminophen ingestion in cats, and is dose-dependent. Cats
             methemoglobinemia in dogs as well, but this change has  given a dose of 60 mg/kg acetaminophen had 21.7% of
             not beenreportedinother species(Hjelle and Grauer, 1986;  their hemoglobin converted to methemoglobin, and the
             McConkey et al., 2009).                            methemoglobin concentration in cats dosed with 120 mg/
                Heinz body formation is an irreversible change caused  kg acetaminophen was 45.5% (Hjelle and Grauer, 1986).
             by the precipitation of hemoglobin (Schlesinger, 1995;  Clinically evident cyanosis occurs at about 30% methe-
             Aronson and Drobatz, 1996). Heinz bodies increase red  moglobinemia. Fifty-nine percent of the cats in the
             cell fragility and decrease survival time of erythrocytes,  Aronson and Drobatz (1996) study had pale or dark
             and thus, may cause hemolysis and anemia. Until    mucous membranes and respiratory distress, and the blood
             recently, it was believed that NAPQI bound to the sulfhy-  was brown in 12%. Affected cats were weak and
             dryl groups and oxidized hemoglobin (Allen, 2003).  depressed (Hjelle and Grauer, 1986; Jones et al., 1992;
             However, erythrocytes lack the enzymes to metabolize  Allen, 2003), 12% presented comatose, and 18% tachy-
             acetaminophen to NAPQI, and circulating NAPQI is   cardic (Aronson and Drobatz, 1996). Hemolysis, anemia,
             unlikely to be bioavailable to erythrocytes. Another reac-  icterus, and pigmenturia have been described, and are
             tive metabolite, PAP, was found to oxidize hemoglobin  seen within 48 h of exposure. In addition to characteristic
             in vitro, and thus, has recently been proposed as the cause  methemoglobinemia, edema of the face and forelimbs or
             of methemoglobinemia in cats and dogs (McConkey    front paws is commonly described in affected cats. Death
             et al., 2009). There are eight sulfhydryl groups on feline  in cats is usually due to methemoglobinemia, but fatal
             hemoglobin, but only four on the hemoglobin of other  liver failure can also occur. Hepatic necrosis is most com-
             domestic species and two on the human molecule, making  monly associated with high-dose exposures, particularly
             cat erythrocytes much more prone to oxidative injury  in male cats.
             (Hjelle and Grauer, 1986; Rumbeiha et al., 1995; Aronson  Dogs often vomit soon after ingesting a high dose of
             and Drobatz, 1996; Allen, 2003; Sellon, 2006).     acetaminophen, which can serve a protective function
                Factors that enhance the toxic effects of acetaminophen  (Schlesinger, 1995). Severe clinical signs in dogs are usu-
             include glutathione depletion due to fasting (Treinen-  ally attributable to hepatic necrosis (Hjelle and Grauer,
             Moslen, 2001) and induction of P4502E1, as occurs with  1986; Schlesinger, 1995; Sellon, 2006). Signs commence
             barbiturate exposure (Sturgill and Lambert, 1997).  within 36 h of ingestion, and include nausea and vomit-
             Cimetidine inhibits cytochrome P450s, and has been used  ing,  anorexia,  abdominal  pain,  and  depression;
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