Page 399 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 399

366 SECTION | IV Drugs of Use and Abuse  platelet COX irreversibly (Rubin and Papich, 1990).  new class of COX 2 -specific NSAIDs was developed as a
                                                                  Most NSAIDs inhibit both COX 1 and COX 2 , but a
             There are three isoforms of COX; designated COX 1 ,
                                                                safer alternative. These drugs include celecoxib, deracox-
             COX 2 ,andCOX 3 .COX 1 is found in almost all tissues,
             including the gastrointestinal tract, platelets, endothe-  ib, rofecoxib, diclofenac, etodolac, firocoxib, flosulide,
             lium, and kidneys, is continuously produced, and func-  and meloxicam. However, rofecoxib (Vioxx) was volun-
             tions in tissue homeostasis. Most of the adverse effects  tarily withdrawn from the market in 2004 due to increased
             associated with NSAID use are due to inhibition of  risk of adverse cardiovascular events in humans, and con-
             COX 1 . Inhibition of PGE 2 promotes production of gas-  troversies still exist whether other compounds of this class
             tric acid and pepsin, and decreases the ability of the  pose a similar risk. Selectivity is species-specific, and
             mucosa to secrete mucus glycoproteins and bicarbonate  thus, these new drugs sometimes cause COX 1 inhibition
             and respond to injury. Impairments to mucosal circula-  in domestic species (Talcott, 2006). Dogs treated with
             tion due to loss of PG activity produce mucosal hypoxia  deracoxib and firocoxib did have fewer clinical signs and
             and thrombosis.                                    gastric lesions than dogs treated with other NSAIDs in
                Loss of the vasodilative actions of PGE 2 and PGI 2 in  one study (Sennello and Leib, 2006). Interestingly, car-
             the kidneys through inhibition of COX 1 leads to hypoxic  profen is COX 2 -specific in dogs but not in humans
             renal injury (Isaacs, 1996; Rubin and Papich, 1990).  (Talcott, 2006).
             Production of PG by the kidneys is relatively low. With  LTs are also produced from arachidonic acid via the
             the possible exception of vultures, renal pathology is most  lipoxygenase pathway. 5-Lipoxygenase produces LTA4,
             often associated with chronic NSAID use (Fourie et al.,  which is converted to LTB4, LTC4, LTD4, LTE4, and
             2015). Reversible urinary incontinence and isosthenuria  others. LTB4 is an important chemoattractant for neu-
             was reported in a dog exposed to an unknown dose of car-  trophils. Various LTs cause vasoconstriction, broncho-
             profen (Hutchins et al., 2013). Renal papillary necrosis is  spasm, and increased vascular permeability (Boynton
             frequently seen in horses, and is often associated with  et al., 1988; Strøm and Thomsen, 1990; Lees et al.,
             chronic phenylbutazone use (Gunson, 1983; Rubin and  1991). Some NSAIDs inhibit lipoxygenase. It has been
             Papich, 1990). This lesion is also reported in cats, dogs,  found that in dogs, flunixin is a more potent inhibitor
             mice, rats, gerbils, hamsters, rabbits, desert mice, pri-  of LTB4-mediated neutrophil migration than phenylbu-
             mates, and pigs (Brix, 2002). Renal failure in cats admin-  tazone, which is more potent than indomethacin.
             istered meloxicam first parenterally and then orally has  Alternately, some NSAIDs actually increase LT produc-
             been reported, and oral exposure to flurbiprofen was  tion due to increased availability of arachidonic acid not
             recently reported to cause death in cats (Dyer et al.,  entering the COX pathway.
             2009).                                               NSAIDs    can  also  inhibit  phosphodiesterase.
                Evidence suggests that low doses of NSAIDs cause  Phosphodiesterase breaks down cyclic AMP (cAMP).
             degeneration of medullary interstitial cells and, later,  Increased intracellular cAMP can stabilize lysosomal
             damage to vascular endothelium, leading to microvascu-  membranes in polymorphonuclear leukocytes, inhibiting
             lar thrombosis and hypoxia. Higher doses produce more  release of inflammatory products (Kore, 1990). Other
             rapid endothelial damage (Brix, 2002). Dehydration is a  effects of NSAIDs include inhibition of phosphatidyli-
             major predisposing factor for renal papillary necrosis.  nositol 3 -kinase Akt signaling, important in cytokine
             Dehydration commonly occurs with gastrointestinal dis-  pathways and cell regulation, mitogen-activated protein
             ease, diuretic use, anesthesia, surgical stress, hemorrhagic  kinases  involved  in  cell  regulation,  peroxisome
             shock, or sepsis. Other risk factors described for dogs  proliferator-activated receptors, NFκB, and heat shock
             include advancing age, congestive heart failure, hepatic  proteins involved in transcription. NSAIDs also uncou-
             cirrhosis, preexisting renal problems, hypotension, and  ple oxidative phosphorylation and, thus, inhibit cellular
             concurrent administration of nephrotoxic drugs such as  energy production (Little et al., 2007).
             gentamicin or amphotericin.                          Some NSAIDs have topical irritant properties. As
                COX 2 is produced by macrophages, fibroblasts,  weak acids, they partition to the gastric mucosa, leading
             chondrocytes, endothelial cells, and some other cell  to decreased hydrophobicity of mucus and thinning of the
             types (Roder, 2004a). This isoform only functions  mucus barrier, allowing gastric acid to penetrate to the
             intermittently, and is induced by cytokines in areas  epithelial layer. NSAIDs frequently cause mild and tran-
             of  inflammation  (Isaacs,  1996;  Roder,  2004a;  sient liver damage associated with cholestasis and
             Talcott, 2006). Inhibition of this enzyme produces  increased liver enzymes (Boynton et al., 1988; Isaacs,
             antipyretic, analgesic, and antiinflammatory effects  1996; Roder, 2004a). More severe problems, such as
             of NSAIDs. Little is yet known about the function  hepatic necrosis, are rare. Hepatotoxicity is uncommon
             of COX 3 , which is present in dogs but not functional  with ibuprofen in dogs. More commonly reported in dogs
             in humans.                                         is  idiosyncratic  hepatotoxicosis  due  to  carprofen
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