Page 82 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Epidemiology of Animal Poisonings in Europe Chapter | 3  49  the intensity varied among bird species and among  (compatible with subclinical or clinical signs) involving
                                                                birds of prey (Table 3.2), both predators and scavengers
             regions across the European Union. Remarkably, Mateo
             (2009) detected a clear negative relationship between the
                                                                (Mateo, 2009; Pain et al., 2009; Guitart et al., 2010b;
             prevalence of Pb shot ingestion and the wintering popula-  Berny et al., 2015; Delahay and Spray, 2015). Raptors are
             tion trend in Europe of 15 waterfowl species. However, a  at risk both from prey killed with shotguns, such as wild-
             study conducted in two wetland areas in northern Greece  fowl, upland game birds and rabbits, and with rifles, such
             involving lesser and greater white-fronted goose (Anser  as deer and other large game. Recent radiographic studies
             erythropus and Anser albifrons, respectively), showed  have shown that many small bullet fragments remain
             that exposure to Pb was very mild and the measured  inside prey shot with Pb-based bullets, posing a risk not
             levels of Pb were well below the proposed thresholds for  only to raptors but also to human consumers of this
             lethal effects of Pb poisoning (Aloupi et al., 2015).  hunted game (Delahay and Spray, 2015). Up to 2009, Pb
             Poisoning of swans after ingestion of Pb split-shot or sin-  poisoning had been reported in 17 species of birds of prey
             kers also occurs in Belgium, Ireland, and the United  in Europe, some of which are near-threatened such as the
             Kingdom (Perrins et al., 2003; Tavernier et al., 2004).  white-tailed eagle or are vulnerable such as the Spanish
             Nonraptor upland birds are also victims, and a prevalence  imperial eagle (Mateo, 2009).
             of 1.4% and 7.8% for red-legged partridges was found in  Last but not the least, a case of Pb poisoning involving
             the United Kingdom and Sweden, respectively.       zoo dolphins was reported in The Netherlands in 2008.
                There have been several reports over the last 10 years  Apparently, the animals had ingested metal from a dam-
             of Pb poisoning or high levels of exposure to Pb   aged diving belt.

               TABLE 3.2 Poisonings Reported in the Last 10 15 Years in Europe for Wildlife Species
               Species                              Poison                               Country
               American mink (Mustela vison)        Pesticides (anticoagulants)          FR
               Atlantic puffin (Fratercula artica)  Oil                                  ES, FR, PT
               Barn owl (Tyto alba)                 Metals (Cd)                          ES
                                                    Pesticides (anticoagulants)          UK
               Bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus)  Metals (Pb)                          ES, FR
               Beech marten (Martes foina)          Pesticides (anticoagulants)          BE
               Cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus)  Metals (Pb)                        ES
                                                    Pesticides (strychnine, carbamates)  EL, ES
               Common buzzard (Buteo buteo)         Metals (Pb)                          ES
                                                    Oil                                  ES
                                                    Pesticides (carbamates)              BE, CZ, ES
               Common guillemot (Uria aalgae)       Oil                                  ES, FR, PT
               Common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)   Oil                                  ES
                                                    Pesticides (carbamates)              ES
               Common raven (Corvus corax)          Pesticides (carbamates)              CZ, ES
               Common scoter (Melanitta nigra)      Oil                                  FR
               Common vole (Microtus arvalis)       Pesticides (carbamates)              CZ
               Common wood pigeon (Columba palumbus)  Pesticides (carbamates)            FR
               Dolphin                              Metals (Pb)                          NL
               Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus)  Metals (Pb)                     ES
                                                    Pesticides (carbamates)              ES

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