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Baby Bird Basics  17

             ­ Sources­for Products­Mentioned

             Animal Intensive Care Unit: Lyon Technologies, Inc., 1690 Brandywine Avenue, Chula Vista, CA.
               91 911,
             Capstar (Nitenpyram): Novartis Animal Health, (800) 637‐0281.
             Sevin Dust: GardenTech, PO Box 24830, Lexington, KY 40524‐4830, (800) 969‐7200.
             Tegaderm: 3M Corporate Headquarters, 3M Center, St. Paul, MN 55144‐1000, (888) 364‐3577.
             Ultracare Mite and Lice Bird Spray: 8 in 1 Pet Products, Hauppauge, NY, (800) 645‐5154.

             ­ References

             Atkinson, C.T., Thomas, N.J., and Hunter, D.B. (eds.) (2008). Parasitic Diseases of Wild Birds, 595
               pp. Ames, IA: Wiley Blackwell.
             Borgia, L. (2004). NWRA membership survey 2003: results and comparisons. Wildlife Rehabilitation
               Bulletin 22 (1): 37–42.
             Code of Federal Regulations (2018). Title 50: Wildlife and Fisheries, Part 21 – Migratory Bird Permits,
               Subpart B – General Requirements and Exceptions, §21.12 General exceptions to permit
               requirements. U.S. Government Printing Office.
             Duerr, R.S. (2016). Surgical repair of keel lesions and lacerations in aquatic birds. Proceedings of the
               Association of Avian Veterinarians Annual Conference at ExoticsCon, Portland, OR, pp. 83–88.
             Duerr, R.S. (2018). Successful surgical management of pouch and bill injuries in pelicans. Proceedings
               of the Association of Avian Veterinarians Annual Conference at ExoticsCon, Atlanta, GA,
               pp. 363–367.
             Duerr, R.S. and Purdin, G.J. (eds.) (2017). Topics in Wildlife Medicine, Vol. 4: Orthopedics, 206
               pp. St. Cloud, MN: National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association.
             Hawkins, M.G., Barron, H.W., Speer, B.L. et al. (2018). Birds. In: Exotic Animal Formulary, 4e (eds.
               J.W. Carpenter and C.J. Marion), 167–375. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
             Klasing, K. (1999). Comparative Avian Nutrition, 350 pp. Cambridge, MA: CAB International.
             Stocker, L. (2005). Practical Wildlife Care, 335 pp. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
             Yabsley, M.A. (2008). Capillarid nematodes. In: Parasitic Diseases of Wild Birds (eds. C.T. Atkinson,
               N.J. Thomas and D.B. Hunter), 463–497. Ames, IA: Wiley‐Blackwell.
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