Page 8 - Rapid Review of ECG Interpretation in Small Animal Practice, 2nd Edition
P. 8                          PREFACE

          Welcome to the second edition, which builds    call attention to important clinical circumstances
          upon the user-friendly format of the first edition   involving electrolyte disturbances, supraventricular
          and includes new material that will further aid   arrhythmias, accelerated idioventricular rhythms,
          practitioners in their quest to better interpret the   and atrioventricular dissociation. Another selection
          electrocardiogram (ECG). This new edition contains   of new cases is geared toward readers who craved
          additional material regarding acquisition of the ECG,   more advanced topics such as electrical cardioversion
          including color figures detailing lead placement and   and pacemaker function. Even readers relatively
          patient positioning. In addition, a handy one-page,   new to ECG interpretation will find that exploring
          two-sided reference guide of important ECG values   these more advanced concepts contributes to better
          and diagrams has been  included in this edition   understanding of the fundamentals and will improve
          and can be downloaded from the book’s webpage   their skills. This new edition also includes several
          at and stored near your ECG   cases undergoing ambulatory (Holter) recording
          machine  for easy reference. Several  new chapters   and readers will have a chance to consider such
          have been added to this edition.  The first covers   data as 24-hour arrhythmia frequency and mean
          the basic treatment of arrhythmias, highlighting   daily heart rates.
          breed-specific arrhythmias, and includes a table   This new edition remains true to its roots, our
          of commonly used antiarrhythmic medications.   desire to provide information in an appealing,
          Another  new  chapter  reviews  ambulatory  ECG   accessible, and easy to use format that fits with the
          (Holter)  monitoring,  which  can  be  invaluable   busy lives of veterinary practitioners. To this end,
          in  detection  and  management  of  intermittently   ECGs are reproduced and annotated in full color,
          occurring arrhythmias. Practitioners might be   and various figures and diagrams are drawn with an
          surprised  to  learn  that  obtaining  and  placing  a   emphasis toward rapid interpretation and maximal
          Holter recording device on a dog is relatively simple   usability. Finally, we wish to thank the many interns
          and can be accomplished in most primary practice   and residents whose cases provided many of the
          settings.                                      ECG examples we present in the book.  Without
            Nothing  improves  ECG  skills  better  than   their work, this book would not be possible.
          practice,  and the  core  of this  book  remains,  with
          the extensive series of ECG cases for the reader                             Mark A. Oyama
          to work through. For the second edition, 15 new                                Marc S. Kraus
          ECG cases have been added to 46 cases already                                 Anna R. Gelzer
          present in the first edition. Some of the new cases

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