Page 161 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice
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Disorders of Calcium: Hypercalcemia and Hypocalcemia  151

            present in 29% and urolithiasis was present in 31% of dogs  Ultrasonographyoftheneckishelpfulinthediagnosisof
            in this study. Other studies have shown that calcium-  primary hyperparathyroidism in dogs and cats, but it
            containing uroliths (calcium phosphate, calcium oxalate,  requires an ultrasound unit with a high-frequency (7.5-
            or mixtures) occurred in approximately 30% of dogs and  to10-MHz)transducer toachievethenecessarylevelofres-
            in a cat with primary hyperparathyroidism. 178,300,353  olutionratherthanthewidelyavailable5-or7.5-MHzunits
            Urolithiasis  is  attributed  to  hypercalcemia  and  used for abdominal studies. 178,618  With a 10-MHz linear
            subsequent hypercalciuria. Interestingly, hypercalcemia  transducer, the parathyroid glands of normal dogs can rou-
            arising from other causes has not been associated with  tinely be identified especially in larger dogs. 469 Parathyroid
            urolithiasis except in cats with idiopathic hypercalcemia  gland masses greater than 5 mm can usually be identified,
            (IHC). 520  More prominent clinical signs and serious  and some masses as small as 2 mm may be detected.
            consequences can occur when hyperparathyroidism and  Enlarged parathyroid glands are expected to be hypoechoic
            severe hypercalcemia are long standing and associated  or anechoic, well marginated, and easily contrasted with
            with renal failure. 115,116                         thyroid tissue. False-positive results are rare, but false-neg-
              The diagnostic workup to confirm primary hyperpara-  ative findings may occur. Ultrasonography correctly
            thyroidism often begins with the fortuitous finding of  identifiedthepresenceandlocationofasolitaryparathyroid
            increased serum calcium concentration on routine clinical  gland mass in 10 of 11 dogs in a prospective study in which
            chemistry testing. 178  The diagnosis of primary hyper-  themasswasconfirmedatsurgery. 180 Sonographyidentifies
            parathyroidism is easy in dogs and cats that have increased  the location of the parathyroid gland tumor and allows
            serum tCa concentration, normal renal function, and  presurgical planning.
            increased concentration of immunoreactive PTH. The     Double-phase scintigraphy of the parathyroid glands
            appropriateness of the PTH concentration must be    using   Tc sestamibi was useful in the diagnosis of para-
            interpreted in relation to the serum iCa concentration.  thyroid gland adenoma in initial reports from two
            Additional support for the diagnosis of primary hyper-  dogs. 362,626  In a study of 15 dogs with hypercalcemia,
            parathyroidism is provided by the finding of increased  scintigraphy correctly identified 3 of 3 dogs with hyper-
            serum iCa concentration, increased serum ALP, low   calcemia of malignancy as negative for hyperfunctioning
            serum phosphorus concentration, increased or normal  parathyroid glands. 361  Scintigraphy identified only one of
            calcitriol concentration, undetectable PTHrP, and cal-  six dogs with a parathyroid gland adenoma and only one
            cium-containing uroliths. The most consistent laboratory  of six dogs with parathyroid hyperplasia. Based on these
            abnormality in dogs with primary hyperparathyroidism is  results,  parathyroid  gland  scintigraphy  is  not
            increased serum calcium concentration. 178          recommended to identify abnormal parathyroid glands
              Hypercalcemia results from a combination of effects  because of very poor sensitivity and specificity.
            following PTH binding to receptors in kidneys and bone.  Surgical exploration of the cervical region in patients
            PTH also acts indirectly to increase serum iCa concentra-  with parathyroid gland adenoma or carcinoma usually
            tion by enhancing renal conversion of 25-hydroxyvitamin  reveals enlargement of one parathyroid gland, and the
            D to calcitriol. Hypophosphatemia secondary to PTH-  remaining three are small or impossible to identify
            enhanced urinary excretion of phosphorus was observed  because hypercalcemia results in atrophy of normal
            in 5 of 21 dogs. 40  Serum phosphorus concentration is  parathyroid tissue. Primary parathyroid gland hyperplasia
            typically low, 178  and calcitriol concentrations were mildly  may affect more than one gland, and clinical signs can
            increased or in the high-normal range in three of four  recur if only the largest gland is removed surgically. Para-
            dogs with primary hyperparathyroidism. 489          thyroid gland tumors may be difficult to identify if the
              The diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism is more  tumor is embedded in fat or if it arises from the internal
            challenging when PTH is within the reference range. A  parathyroid gland. Failure to visualize a parathyroid gland
            PTH concentration in the upper part of the reference  tumor is rarely attributed to the occurrence of a tumor in
            range in association with hypercalcemia is inappropriate.  ectopic parathyroid tissue. Methylene blue infusion to
            Confirmed primary hyperparathyroidism has been noted  enhance visualization of parathyroid glands should be
            in dogs and cats with hypercalcemia and reference range  reserved for patients in whom a tumor is strongly
            PTH concentrations. 178,285  In a cat with persistent  suspected but not readily identified during surgery
            hypercalcemia related to primary hyperparathyroidism,  because clinically relevant side effects of methylene blue
            PTH concentration was increased on two occasions but  administration include hemolytic anemia and acute renal
            within the reference range on five other occasions. 141  failure. 185  In 47 dogs with primary hyperparathyroidism
            PTH concentrations measured in blood collected from  treated with parathyroidectomy, 94% of surgeries resulted
            either the left or right jugular vein did not differ, and sam-  in control of hypercalcemia. 464  Hypercalcemia resolved
            pling from a specific side was not valuable for localizing  within 1 to 6 days, and remained within the reference
            the site of an enlarged parathyroid gland. 180  Circulating  range for a median of 561 days. The use of a rapid
            PTHrP concentrations were undetectable in six dogs with  PTH assay for intraoperative measurement of PTH may
            primary hyperparathyroidism. 489                    be helpful to demonstrate a decrease in PTH
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