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122  Section D: Cardiomyopathies

              occurred after two-thirds of systole had been completed   thoracic radiographs until moderate left atrial dilation
              (Doi et al. 1983). Given the high heart rates present in   develops. Thoracic radiographic evidence of cardiomeg-
              cats, it may be very difficult to distinguish these subtle   aly in cats may help justify to clients the importance of
              differences noted in human medicine. It is likely that left   further evaluation by echocardiography if they were ini-
              ventricular  geometry—in  particular,  cavity  size  and   tially  reluctant  to  proceed  with  an  echocardiogram.
              myocardial  mass,  and  the  effect  of  endogenous  and   Thoracic radiographs are essential for diagnosis of con-
              exogenous catecholamines can play an important part   gestive heart failure, which may be present in cats with
              in the pathogenesis of SAM (Luckie and Khattar 2008).   severe  HCM  or  in  less  severe  cases  with  an  inciting
              For  example,  SAM  was  produced  in  9  of  14  (64%)   trigger  such  as  intravascular  fluid  administration.
              healthy, echocardiographically normal dogs given dobu-  Because  left  ventricular  morphologic  changes  involve
      Cardiomyopathies  magnitude  of  SAM  and  left  ventricular  outflow  tract   ventricular chamber size, thoracic radiographs are not
                                                                 increased  diastolic  wall  thickness  but  not  increase  in
              tamine  (Sakurai  et  al.  1995).  In  7  of  these  dogs,  the
                                                                 useful  for  identifying  left  ventricular  changes,  which
              pressure gradient varied in a dose-dependent manner.
                                                                 must  be  evaluated  by  echocardiography.  Routine  bio-
              Although  it  occurs  rarely,  the  authors  have  identified
                                                                 chemical  tests  are  not  helpful  to  diagnose  HCM,  but
              SAM on echocardiography in anxious (catecholamine-
              driven) cats with structurally normal hearts, and these
                                                                 and for identification of concurrent disease processes.
              cats  may  not  necessarily  develop  HCM  over  time  but   they are useful for overall systemic evaluation of the cat
              require follow-up echocardiograms to monitor for pos-  Electrocardiography is an insensitive test for diagnosis
              sible emergence of HCM.                            of HCM (see Chapter 18), but is essential for evaluation
                 The most common differential for SAM of the mitral   of an arrhythmia. Systolic blood pressure measurement
              valve is mitral valve dysplasia (see Chapter 10). The dys-  is necessary to rule out systemic hypertension as a cause
              plastic mitral valve is malformed, sometimes elongated   of concentric left ventricular hypertrophy.
              and thickened, with thick, short chordae tendinae and
              abnormally positioned or shaped papillary muscles. The   General Diagnostic Tests
              mitral valve structure is normal in SAM, but it is pulled
              anteriorly  (ventrally)  into  the  left  ventricular  outflow   Key Points
              tract by hypertrophied papillary muscles. Fixed subaor-
              tic stenosis is another differential for SAM of the mitral   •	Basic	comprehensive	blood	work	including	complete
              valve and is a congenital heart defect. SAS is caused by   blood	count,	serum	chemistry,	total	thyroxine	level,	and
              a fibrotic ring, band, or fibromuscular tunnel in the left   urinalysis	is	recommended	in	cats	diagnosed	with	HCM,
              ventricular  outflow  tract  just  below  the  aortic  cusps.   especially	in	middle-aged	to	older	cats,	or	in	cats	with
              With SAS and SAM, the degree of obstruction changes    heart	failure.
              exponentially based on heart rate and contractility, but   •	Baseline	renal	function	is	important	to	assess	prior	to
              with  SAM,  obstruction  becomes  disproportionately   medical	treatment	of	heart	failure.
              more  severe  as  these  parameters  increase  because  the   •	Significant	anemia	should	be	identified,	as	this	may
              obstruction  is  dynamic  in  nature  and  most  severe  in   worsen	ventricular	volume	overload	(i.e.,	preload)	in
                                                                     cats	with	HCM.
              mid-  or  late-systole.  In  dynamic  obstructions  such  as   •	Total	thyroxine	concentration	is	an	essential	diagnostic
              SAM of the mitral valve and dynamic right ventricular   test	in	middle-aged	to	older	cats	with	echocardiographic
              outflow obstructions causing nonpathologic murmurs,    evidence	of	concentric	hypertrophy,	because
              the murmur often becomes louder when the cat becomes   hyperthyroidism	is	a	secondary	cause	of	concentric	left
              agitated. The Doppler tracing of fixed obstructions such   ventricular	hypertrophy.
              as SAS shows a peak systolic velocity in mid-systole, with
              a symmetrical, cone-shaped blood flow velocity pattern.
              In dynamic obstructions such as SAM, there is a char-
              acteristic  late  systolic  peak  velocity,  creating  a  dagger   Basic  comprehensive  blood  work  including  complete
              shape  with  a  peak  velocity  at  end-systole  (see  Figure   blood count, serum chemistry, total thyroxine level, and
              11.18, later in this chapter).                     urinalysis  is  recommended  for  overall  assessment  of
                                                                 aged  cats  or  ill  cats.  It  is  important  to  identify  other
              DIAGNOSTIC TESTING                                 concurrent disease processes in cats with HCM, because
                                                                 they may influence treatment recommendations. A total
              Overview                                           thyroxine  level  (and  free  thyroxine  if  total  thyroxine
              Echocardiography is the most useful and sensitive test   levels are equivocal) must be measured in all mature cats
              for diagnosis of HCM in cats. Because the hypertrophy   with concentric hypertrophy of the left ventricle, because
              is  concentric,  overall  cardiac  size  may  be  normal  on   hyperthyroidism can cause reversible secondary concen-
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