Page 154 - Feline Cardiology
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Table 11.1.  Decision	process	for	treatment	of	asymptomatic	cats	with	HCM	using	beta	blockers*
               Medication	         Argument	for	the	Use                    Argument	against	the	Use

               ↓Systolic	anterior	  Dramatic	reduction	in	the	left	ventricular	to	  Indoor	cats	are	sedentary	animals	that	may	not
               motion	(SAM)	of	    aortic	pressure	gradient	is	possible	in	cats	  have	high	sympathetic	tone	until	a	stressor	such
               the	mitral	valve    with	moderate	or	severe	SAM,	which	may	↓	  as	a	trip	to	the	veterinary	office,	which	magnifies
                                   severity	of	concentric	LV	hypertrophy   the	severity	of	the	SAM	far	beyond	what	is	seen
                                                                           at	home
                                   By	decreasing	SAM,	mitral	regurgitation	(MR)
                                   is	decreased,	which	may	↓	left	atrial	volume	  No	information	is	available	to	confirm	whether
                                   overload	and	left	atrial	pressure	in	cats	with	  reduction	of	SAM	leads	to	improved	quality	of
                                   moderate	MR	due	to	SAM                  life,	survival,	or	delays	onset	of	clinical	signs

                                   Some	cats	with	moderate	to	severe	SAM
                                   have	unrecognized	symptoms	until	they	are
                                   treated,	and	then	the	owner	observes	                                                Cardiomyopathies
                                   symptomatic	benefit	including	increased
                                   energy	and	playfulness

               ↓	LV	concentric	    Some	cats	receiving	atenolol	may	experience	  No	information	regarding	effect	on	morbidity,
               hypertrophy         reduction	in	severity	of	LV	concentric	  mortality,	or	time	to	onset	of	clinical	signs
                                   hypertrophy                             The	reduction	in	LV	hypertrophy	appears	to	be
                                                                           relatively	small	in	a	placebo-controlled
                                   ↓	LV	hypertrophy	may	improve	diastolic	  prospective	study
                                   filling	properties	of	the	myocardium	(i.e.,	↓
                                   stiffness),	↓	diastolic	filling	pressures	and	  Some	cats	have	improvement	in	LV	hypertrophy
                                   lessen	risk	of	congestive	heart	failure  without	treatment	or	their	hypertrophy	never
                                                                           worsens	over	many	years,	making	the	role	of
                                                                           medication	questionable

               Suppression	of	     Acute	stressful	events	may	cause	sinus	  Indoor	cats	may	not	have	many	acute	stressful
               tachycardia         tachycardia,	↑	diastolic	filling	pressure,	and	  events	that	could	cause	this	phenomenon,	aside
                                   acute	development	of	congestive	heart	  from	visits	to	the	veterinary	hospital,	which	likely
                                   failure	in	cats,	so	blunting	this	acute	  would	be	increased	during	initial	monitoring	of
                                   tachycardic	response	may	be	protective  the	cat	receiving	medications
                                                                           Potentially	similar	effect	can	be	achieved	without
                                                                           medication,	by	instructing	owners	to	avoid
                                                                           situations	causing	vigorous	activity	for	the	cat
                                                                           (e.g.,	play	with	laser	pointer,	feather	toys;
                                                                           minimizing	or	avoiding	outdoor	roaming,	etc.)

               Effects	on	         ↓	Heart	rate	will	↑	diastolic	filling	time,	  Beta	blockers	prolong	early	diastolic	relaxation
               diastolic	function  which	may	be	beneficial	in	cats	with	stiff	  (negative	lusitrope),	which	impairs	early	diastolic
                                   hypertrophied	ventricles	by	lessening	  function
                                   diastolic	filling	pressures	occurring	during

                                   ↑	Myocardial	stiffness	is	likely	a	more
                                   important	determinant	of	↑	diastolic	filling
                                   pressure	in	cats	than	early	diastolic
                                   relaxation	because	cats	have	high	heart	rates
                                   compared	to	other	species,	which	minimizes
                                   the	overall	negative	impact	of	beta	blockers
                                   effects	on	slowing	diastolic	relaxation

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