Page 360 - Feline Cardiology
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Chapter 24: Comorbidities  375

              0.81%  for  the  dry  kibble  formulation  (Purina  Guide   prognosis in feline congestive heart failure. While several
              2010).  Therefore,  the  clinician  treating  a  cat  that  has   mechanisms  could  explain  this  phenomenon  (Tobias
              both lower urinary tract disease and heart disease should   et al. 2005), subsequent data identified hyperglycemia-
              recommend a specific diet that is suitably sodium bal-  associated  hypervolemia  as  the  most  likely  pathway
              anced: mild or no sodium restriction is likely appropri-  (Ployngam  et  al.  2006).  In  a  study  of  12  cats  given  a
              ate for cats with mild cardiovascular changes (e.g., no   standard injection (5 mg/kg IM) of methylprednisolone
              overt signs of heart failure, no diuretic treatment needed,   acetate,  blood  glucose  levels  rose  from  a  mean  of
              no atrial enlargement, and normal arterial blood pres-  136 ± 46 mg/dl to 187 ± 51 mg/dl (p = 0.002) (Ployngam
              sure) whereas moderate or marked sodium restriction   et al. 2006). These cats’ plasma volumes also increased
              should  be  considered  for  cats  with  advanced  heart   (median 13%; up to 49% in one cat) 3–6 days after injec-
              disease, particularly if they have experienced congestive   tion,  but  simultaneously  calculated  total  body  water
              heart failure and are receiving diuretics (Table 24.2).  content was unchanged or slightly lower. This interest-
                                                                 ing series of findings suggests that methylprednisolone
                                                                 injections cause a substantial shift in body fluid from the
                                                                 extravascular space (interstitium, intracellular) into the
              Glucocorticoids have beneficial effects for inflammatory   vascular space, likely as an osmotic shift due to hyper-
              disorders such as feline lower airway disease (asthma)   glycemia triggered by the corticosteroid (Ployngam et al.
              and are recommended as a mainstay of treatment when   2006). The clinical implications are that cats’ responses
              environmental  modification  alone  is  insufficient  to   to  glucocorticoid  administration  are  highly  variable,
              control respiratory signs (Reneiro 2011). However, glu-  that in some cats glucocorticoids may cause an excessive
              cocorticoids  are  also  recognized  to  have  deleterious   volume expansion that leads to congestive heart failure
              effects in cats with cardiac disease. Specifically, an asso-  whereas other cats may tolerate a similar treatment, and
              ciation between glucocorticoid administration and the   that oral glucocorticoids may produce such events later
              subsequent  onset  of  congestive  heart  failure  has  been   after initiation of treatment than repositol injections.
              documented in some cats with heart disease (Smith et   There are several alternatives to oral or injectable glu-
              al.  2002).  In  this  retrospective  study  of  29  cats,  most   cocorticoids for cats with asthma. The most commonly
              (19/29, 68%) had echocardiographically identified left   used include inhaled beta-agonists (e.g., albuterol, ter-
              ventricular concentric hypertrophy (i.e. increased ven-  butaline) and inhaled glucocorticoids (e.g., fluticasone)
              tricular wall or septal thickness). Interestingly, follow-up   (Padrid 2008). These beta-agonists are beta-2 receptor
              echocardiography in 11 cats identified resolution of the   selective and thus have minimal or no cardiac effect in
              ventricular hypertrophy in most (9/11; 82%) cases, sug-  aerosol form. There may be a crossover effect and some
              gesting pseudohypertrophy or a transient cause of ven-  degree  of  beta-1  agonism  with  terbutaline  (and  other
              tricular  hypertrophy.  Most  cats  (22/29,  76%)  had   beta-2 agonists) when administered orally or by injec-  Comorbidities
              received long-acting repositol injections such as meth-  tion, likely as a function of dosage given, interindividual
              ylprednisolone acetate (Depo-Medrol) or triamcinolone   variation  (such  as  beta-receptor  polymorphisms
              acetonide,  but 8 had received oral forms (prednisone,   observed  in  the  cat)  (Maran  et  al.  2010)  and  other
              n = 7;  methylprednisolone,  n = 1;  some  cats  received   factors. Fluticasone, similarly, does not undergo appre-
              both injectable and oral forms). Generally, the injectable   ciable  systemic  absorption  when  administered  by
              forms were associated with congestive heart failure signs   aerosol, and systemic glucocorticoid effects such as those
              much  sooner  after  administration  (mean = 4.4 ± 2.7   described  above  are  not  expected.  Recommendations
              days) in contrast to the onset of signs after beginning   typically include initiation with parenteral (short-acting
              oral  administration  (mean = 34.4 ± 30.7  days).  The   injectable, or oral) glucocorticoids for a few days to one
              prognosis  for  survival  was  markedly,  and  favorably,   week, to allow systemic drug levels to reach the airways,
              influenced by glucocorticoid administration: compared   followed by transition to aerosol administration (fluti-
              to cats with spontaneously occurring congestive heart   casone  one  110 mcg  actuation  [“puff”]/cat  q  12–24 h
              failure  and  no  recent  glucocorticoid  administration   PRN; 44  mcg actuations may be sufficient for some cats)
              history (median survival time = 65 days), cats with con-  (Reneiro 2011). In the acute setting, aerosol delivery is
              gestive heart failure that was associated with glucocorti-  discouraged because the drug may not reach the target
              coid administration had a median survival time of 439   airways in acceptable concentrations during acute small
              days (p = 0.0006). These findings suggest that glucocor-  airway  narrowing  or  obstruction.  Administration  by
              ticoids can trigger congestive heart failure in cats with   aerosol at home is tolerated by most cats: 65% of cats
              clinically silent/occult heart disease, and that recovery   accept this form of treatment from the very beginning,
              from the acute episode can lead to a better-than-expected   and an additional 15% can be coaxed to accept it over a
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