Page 381 - Feline Cardiology
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Chapter 26: Endocrine Diseases  399

              tion that releases goitrogenic substances into the food   thyroid cats, successful treatment leading to prolonged
              (specifically, the plastic lining of pop-top cans).  euthyroidism is not accompanied by complete normal-
                 Other possible causes, such as exposure to cigarette   ization of left ventricular wall dimensions (Weichselbaum
              smoke, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, and lawn fer-  et al. 2005). These two observations, together with the
              tilizers,  have  been  variously  implicated  and  then  dis-  recognition of the high prevalence of hypertrophic car-
              counted (Kass et al. 1999; Scarlett et al. 1988).  diomyopathy  in  the  cat  population  (16%  of  overtly
                                                                 healthy cats in one echocardiographic study) (Paige et
              Cardiovascular Pathologic Findings of              al. 2009), have led to the understanding that some cats
              Hyperthyroidism                                    may be afflicted with thyrotoxic heart disease and hyper-
              The characteristic gross pathologic finding of thyrotoxic   trophic cardiomyopathy simultaneously (Liu et al. 1984).
              heart disease is diffuse left ventricular concentric hyper-  Such  an  observation  is  supported  histologically:  in  a
              trophy/thickening. Such thickening may be marked in   study of 23 cats with thyrotoxic heart disease, 20 had
              severe cases of hyperthyroidism, but the left ventricle of   symmetrical left ventricular thickening and 3 had dis-
              the  average  hyperthyroid  cat  is  significantly  less  thick   proportionate septal hypertrophy. These 3 cats also had
              than the left ventricle of the average cat with hypertro-  myocardial fiber disarray on microscopic examination,
              phic cardiomyopathy. For example, a comparative gross   the hallmark finding of idiopathic hypertrophic cardio-
              pathologic study of cats with different forms of myocar-  myopathy. Therefore, the identification of an asymmet-
              dial disease identified mean septal and free wall thick-  rically  thickened  left  ventricle,  or  of  ventricular
              nesses, respectively, of 7.0 ± 0.4 mm and 7.1 ± 0.3 mm in   thickening  that  has  not  resolved  despite  an  otherwise
              hyperthyroidism,  8.3 ± 0.2 mm  and  8.7 ± 0.2 mm  in   effective antithyroid treatment, should lead to the clini-
              symmetric hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and 9.8 ± 0.3   cal suspicion of concurrent hypertrophic cardiomyopa-
              and 7.7 ± 0.2 mm in asymmetric hypertrophic cardio-  thy. Such suspicion forms the clinical diagnosis of the 2
              myopathy  affecting  the  interventricular  septum  more   conditions  occurring  simultaneously,  since  confirma-
              than the free wall (Liu et al. 1984). These postmortem   tion requires histologic evaluation of the myocardium.
              dimensions should not be compared to diastolic mea-  An  echocardiographically  apparent  finding  that  can
              surements  obtained  echocardiographically,  since  the   occur  with  hypertrophic  cardiomyopathy  but  that  is
              heart remains in end-systole after death.          uncommonly seen with thyrotoxic heart disease is sys-
                 The evolution of hyperthyroidism as a clinical entity   tolic anterior motion of the mitral valve, and this feature
              over time has led to less dramatic clinical expression of   may  further  strengthen  the  suspicion  of  concurrent
              the disease, likely because it is recognized routinely now   hyperthyroidism and (idiopathic) hypertrophic cardio-
              in the early stages of the disease as opposed to in its latest   myopathy in the same cat.
              stages when the disease was still new (Broussard et al.
              1995;  Scarlett  et  al.  1988;  Edinboro  et  al.  2004).   Signalment
              Cardiovascular implications are that the sometimes dra-
              matic  gross  pathologic  lesions,  and  general  extent  of   Hyperthyroidism  affects  adult  cats  of  any  breed  and
                                                                 both  sexes.  The  mean  age  is  approximately  13  years
              thyrotoxic cardiovascular lesions, are less frequent and
              milder now compared to those reported in the 1980s, for   (range: 4–22 years), with fewer than 5% of cases occur-
                                                                 ring in cats less than 8 years old (Feldman and Nelson
              example.  This  observation  helps  to  explain  the  lower                                               Endocrine Diseases
              prevalence of marked left ventricular thickening, con-  2004). Males and females are affected in similar propor-
                                                                 tions,  which  stands  in  contrast  to  the  prevalence  of
              gestive  heart  failure  (12%  in  1979–1983  versus  2%  in
              1993 [Broussard et al. 1995]), and systemic hypertension   hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and its 3 : 1 or 4 : 1 predi-
                                                                 lection for male cats (Rush et al. 2002). No breed pre-
              described above.
                                                                 disposition is known to exist; Siamese and Himalayan
              Concurrent Thyrotoxic Heart Disease and            cats are less likely to be affected (odds ratios: 0.44 [0.26–
              Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy                        0.74]  and  0.29  [0.093–0.89],  respectively)  (Kass  et  al.
                                                                 1999; Scarlett et al. 1988). Case series and epidemiologic
              Because  thyroid  hormones  (principally  triiodothyro-
              nine, T3) exert their effects throughout the myocardium,   studies  have  not  reported  the  specific  cardiovascular
                                                                 effects  of  hyperthyroidism  to  be  of  greater  or  lesser
              left ventricular concentric hypertrophy in hyperthyroid-
              ism  should  be  a  diffuse  process.  Yet  certain  cases  of   importance in any subgroup.
              hyperthyroidism are characterized by thickening that is
              asymmetrical, such as those where the interventricular   History and Chief Complaint
              septum is thicker than the left ventricular free wall (Liu   The presenting signs caused by hyperthyroidism reflect
              et al. 1984). It is also worth noting that in some hyper-  an inappropriate increase in metabolic activity. Weight
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