Page 9 - Feline diagnostic imaging
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Cats have reportedly overtaken the numbers of dogs to section reviews advanced imaging modalities currently
become the most popular pet in the United States and used in veterinary medicine with a basic review of the
Europe. We were able to partly indulge our love of cats when advantages and disadvantages of each. The remaining
were invited by Gary Norsworthy to write the feline imaging sections on neurologic, thoracic, abdominal, and musculo-
section for The Feline Patient. Our greatest problem was skeletal systems include radiographic, ultrasonographic,
deciding which images to include or, more importantly, and advanced imaging studies of common disorders in our
which images to exclude. There were so many great educa- feline patients. Some sections include chapters dedicated to
tional examples that we wanted to share. This book allows normal anatomy: the eye/orbit, thorax, cardiovascular, gas-
us to show some of those images as well as newer examples. trointestinal, and urinary systems. Cases were selected to
We have also been able to show examples of computed enhance understanding of normal anatomy and common
tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and nuclear scin- abnormalities. We are indebted to our contributors and
tigraphy in addition to radiography and ultrasonography. their many associates who provided quality content and
The goal of this book is to provide an overview of imaging images for this project.
findings in the normal and diseased feline patient. The first