Page 108 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Chemicals of Terrorism Chapter | 5  75  and vapor is rapid, and mustard causes both localized  apoptosis by activating endonucleases, proteases, and
                                                                phospholipases (Smith et al., 1995). Mustard gas may also
             cellular and systemic damage (NATO, 1973). Mustard
                                                                exert its toxicity via depletion of glutathione. Without
             penetrates down hair follicles and sweat glands within
             minutes. Dermal absorption of mustard varies by species.  glutathione, reactive oxygen species react with membrane
             About 20% of a dermal dose is absorbed through human  phopholipids causing loss of membrane function, fluidity,
             skin, while up to 75% is absorbed through the skin in rats  and integrity. Inflammation and sulfur mustard-increased
             (Smith, 1999). Ocular absorption also happens within  proteolytic activity are also implicated in contributing to
             minutes. The latent period for absorption is inversely  mustard pathology (Cowan et al., 1998).
             related to the dose, temperature and humidity (NATO,
             1973). Lesions develop within 2 3 h with high-level
             exposures, and 8 10 h after milder exposures (Requena  Toxicity
             et al., 1988).
                The chemical reaction with biological tissue occurs  Mustard gas is a radiomimetic, as it produces lesions sim-
             rapidly but symptoms are typically delayed by several  ilar to radiation (Sidell et al., 1997). Tissues with high
             hours (Grant and Schuman, 1993; Sidell et al., 1997).  cell turnover are the most affected. Being a vesicant, mus-
             Dog studies show that equilibrium between blood and tis-  tard gas can produce erythema, severe pruritus, blistering,
             sues was achieved within 5 min after inhalation (IARC,  ulceration, and necrosis of exposed skin (Borak and
             1975). Once inside the body, mustard accumulates (in  Sidell, 1992; Budavari, 2000). With dermal exposure, the
             descending order) in fat, skin with subcutaneous fatty  skin initially appears pale and then becomes erythematous
             tissue,  brain,  kidney,  muscle,  liver,  cerebrospinal  within a few hours of exposure (Requena et al., 1988).
             fluid, spleen, and lung (Drasch et al., 1987; Somani and  Blistering usually starts on the second day and progresses
             Babu, 1989). Urine is the major route of excretion in rab-  for several more days. Erythema disappears in 3 7 days,
             bits, mice, and rats. After IV administration in rats and  while the ulcers take 6 8 weeks to heal (Garigan, 1996;
             mice, the majority is excreted in 72 96 h (Maisonneuve  Sidell et al., 1997). Brown or black hyperpigmentation
             et al., 1993). Only about 6% is eliminated in the feces  usually occurs after resolution of the burns, especially in
             (IARC, 1975). Bone marrow damage is not evident for  areas with thinner skin. Skin involvement is most severe
             3 top 5 days and leukopenia usually occurs at day 7 10  at warm and moist sites (genitalia, perineal regions, groin,
             following exposures (Garigan, 1996).               skin folds, and axillae). This is due to the high number of
                                                                sweat glands in these areas.
                                                                  The eyes are very sensitive to the effects of mustard
             Mechanism of Action
                                                                gas (NATO, 1973; Borak and Sidell, 1992). Pain, lacrima-
             The mechanism of action for cellular damage by mustard  tion, corneal ulceration, along with photophobia, swelling,
             is unknown, but four theories have been proposed: alkyl-  blepharospasm, and blindness can be seen (Garigan,
             ation of deoxyribonucleic acid, oxidative stress upon cell  1996). Conjunctivitis appears early, developing 4 6h
             components, depletion of glutathione, and an inflamma-  after exposure. Eye lesions have been reported at a Ct
             tory response (Smith et al., 1995). Mustard gas is a  (concentration 3 time) of 10 mg-min/m 3  (Sidell et al.,
             bifunctional alkylating agent. It forms covalent cross-  1997). Porcelain-white areas in the episcleral tissues adja-
             links between the double strands of DNA which inhibits  cent to the cornea and formation of large, tortuous,
             DNA synthesis. Mustard-induced blistering appears to be  sausage-shaped varicose veins are pathognomonic signs
             correlated to DNA damage in the basal cells (Cowan  of mustard gas poisoning (Grant and Schuman, 1993).
             et al., 1998). Mustard penetrates the skin and damages the  Chronic conjunctivitis and keratopathy has been reported
             cells separating the epidermis from the dermis. Mustard  in people (Blodi, 1971).
             disrupts the hemidesmosomes leading to blister formation  The main nondermal toxic effects are on the respira-
             between the two layers (Sidell et al., 1997). Skin biopsies  tory tract. Irritation or ulceration of the respiratory tract
             from mustard gas blisters revealed a separation of the  can occur (Borak and Sidell, 1992; Budavari, 2000).
             basal cells from one another and the development of mul-  Cough, dyspnea, and pulmonary edema may occur up to
             tinucleated cells (Bismuth et al., 1995).          24 h after inhalation. One ppm in air is a lethal concentra-
                Mustard also causes oxidative stress on intracellular  tion for dogs and 0.650 ppm mustard results in a 33%
             molecules. Mustard forms an electrophilic ethylene epi-  mortality rate in rabbits (OHM/TADS, 2005). See
             sulfonium intermediate in the aqueous of the cytosol  Table 5.2 for LD 50 information in various species by mul-
             (Smith, 1999). The episulfonium ion reacts with sulfhy-  tiple routes of exposure. Mild pulmonary exposures pro-
             dryl groups leading to increased intracellular calcium.  duce rhinorrhea, sneezing, epistaxis and cough within
             The increased calcium level breaks down the microfila-  12 24 h of exposure. Large exposures can cause pulmo-
             ments needed to maintain cell integrity and induces  nary damage. In severe cases, hypoxia and respiratory
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