Page 232 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 232

Nervous System Toxicity Chapter | 12  199  Axonopathy                                       (Plumb, 2015). Although reported rarely in humans, no
                                                                published reports of peripheral neuropathy in veterinary
             The second class of structural lesions caused by neurotox-
                                                                patients were found.
             icants is axonopathy. Despite damage to the axon, the
                                                                  A more common, yet fortunately still rare, cause of
             neuronal cell body remains intact, but the portion of the
                                                                neurotoxicosis in veterinary medicine is metronidazole. A
             axon distal to the lesion degenerates, resulting in a
                                                                nitroimidazole antibacterial and antiprotozoal agent used
             “chemical transection” distal to the lesion that is function-
                                                                to treat Giardia and anaerobic intestinal bacterial over-
             ally identical to a physical transection of the axon. This is
                                                                growth in small animals (Plumb, 2015), metronidazole
             also known as Wallerian or axonal degeneration. Changes
                                                                can result in a sensory peripheral neuropathy manifesting
             in the Nissl substance, the protein synthetic material com-
                                                                as proprioceptive deficits (Gupta et al., 2000) as well as
             prised of free polyribosomes and rough endoplasmic retic-
                                                                CNS effects including ataxia, nystagmus, head tilt, and
             ulum, become evident histologically in response to this
                                                                seizure activity (Plumb, 2015). Myelinated fibers are most
             degeneration. These changes include chromatolysis (dis-
                                                                commonly affected (Anthony et al., 2001). The mecha-
             solution of the Nissl substance) as well as margination of
                                                                nism is unknown for both peripheral and central effects.
             the Nissl and the nucleus to the periphery of the cell
                                                                Oral and/or IV diazepam has been associated with has-
             body. Not surprisingly, those neurons with axons of great-
                                                                tened recovery of metronidazole toxicity in dogs (Evans
             est length are most susceptible to axonal damage. To
                                                                et al., 2003).
             highlight the susceptibility of distal axons, a subclassifica-
                                                                  A final example of a class of agents that can cause
             tion of axonopathy affecting these axons has been termed
                                                                axonopathy are the OPs compounds, commonly used as
             “central peripheral distal axonopathy.” This is in contrast
                                                                insecticides, which can result in signs of neuropathy
             to “central peripheral proximal axonopathy,” which
                                                                7 10 days postexposure, termed OP-induced delayed
             involves axons proximal to the spinal cord (Anthony
                                                                neuropathy or OPIDN. An example of historical
             et al., 2001). A third subclassification of axonopathy has
                                                                significance was the delayed neuropathy associated with
             been termed “dying back axonopathy,” which represents
                                                                the intentional contamination of Jamaican ginger alcohol
             progressive death of the axon toward the cell body over
                                                                (“Jake”) with tri-ortho cresyl phosphate (TOCP), an OPs
             time and continued injury. In the peripheral nervous sys-
                                                                compound, during the Prohibition Era. The TOCP was
             tem (PNS), the prognosis for at least partial regeneration
                                                                present in lindol, a substitute solvent added to the Jake to
             is good, but this is less true in the central nervous system
                                                                cut costs. The resulting upper motor neuron spasticity and
             (CNS). Secondary demyelination is also possible with
                                                                paralysis were irreversible and affected more than 50,000
             axonal injury (Mandella, 2002). Both sensory and motor
                                                                people (Woolf, 1995). In addition to humans, hens have
             axons can be affected.
                                                                also been shown to be very sensitive to OPIDN
                Many agents cause axonopathies, yet just a few are
                                                                (Damodaran et al., 2001). The neuropathy associated with
             particularly relevant to veterinary medicine. The first
                                                                OPs is thought to involve slow axonal transport macromo-
             example, commonly used as an antineoplastic drug, is the
                                                                lecules, such as actin and tubulin, which involve move-
             vinca alkaloid vincristine, which is derived from the peri-
                                                                ment of the neuronal cytoskeleton at a rate of 1 4 mm/
             winkle plant, Vinca rosea or Catharanthus rosea.
                                                                day (Anthony et al., 2001).
             Vincristine exerts its therapeutic effect by binding to
             tubulin, inhibiting microtubular formation, disrupting the
             formation of the mitotic spindle, and arresting cell divi-
             sion at metaphase (Roder, 2004a). Neurotoxicity in the
             form of axonal degeneration can occur as a result of the  Myelin is produced by the oligodendrocytes of the CNS
             disruption of fast axonal transport (rate of 400 mm/day  and Schwann cells of the PNS. It is a lipid and forms a
             normally), which relies on the functional integrity of the  sheath around certain axons, namely those of the cranial
             microtubules (Anthony et al., 2001). Cats are more sensi-  and spinal nerves. It functions to increase the speed of
             tive to the neurotoxic potential of vincristine. With dis-  impulse conduction by creating isolated areas of height-
             continuation of therapy and appropriate supportive care,  ened electrical excitability, termed nodes of Ranvier
             animals exhibiting signs of peripheral neuropathy may  (Spencer, 2000). Myelin gives white matter its character-
             improve over several weeks to months (Roder, 2004a).  istic appearance. Toxicants that result in myelinopathy
             Colchicine, an antimetabolite derived from the autumn  may affect the myelin itself or target the cells that pro-
             crocus (Colchicum autumnale) and the glory lily    duce myelin. The insult may result in loss of myelin
             (Gloriosa spp.), also inhibits spindle formation (Burrows  (demyelination) or edema of the myelin sheath and subse-
             and Tyrl, 2013; Roder, 2004a). It is used in veterinary  quent separation of myelin lamellae. Remyelination of
             medicine for the treatment of amyloidosis associated with  segmentally demyelinated areas can occur more so in the
             Shar Pei fever (Loeven, 1994) as well as hepatic fibrosis  PNS than the CNS. When peripheral nerves are
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