Page 368 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Ionizing Radiation in Veterinary Medicine Chapter | 19  335  for managing internally contaminated animals are limited.  However, animal patients are much more likely to
                                                                become both externally and internally contaminated
             However, providing good quality food and water in suffi-
                                                                because of their natural grooming behaviors, increased
             cient quantities may be helpful. It will then be necessary
             to remove the radiologically contaminated urine, manure,  likelihood of consuming contaminated food and water,
             and fecal material as soon as possible. A major challenge  and the probable delay of addressing animal issues in a
             to consider should be whether or not there are enough  timely manner following a radiological event because
             trained animal caretakers and veterinary personnel avail-  people will have also been affected. Early effects of ARS
             able who are willing to work in proximity to internally  are somewhat nonspecific and more specific illness can
             contaminated animals and their waste products for weeks  manifest slowly over several weeks. Recovery of surviv-
             or months depending on the radionuclides involved.  ing animals may be prolonged and can result in increased
                Based on human recommendations (Rella, 2015) and  risk of chronic diseases, decreased fertility, and cancer.
             if feasible, initial laboratory testing should include a com-  Food-producing animals may never return to previous
             plete blood count (CBC), urinalysis, baseline radiologic  levels of production and at least temporarily their meat,
             assessment of the urine, and initiation of a 24-hour urine  milk, and eggs may not be safe for consumption. If time
             collection. Nasal swabs, vomitus, and feces can also be  and resources allow without compromising human safety,
             collected for radiologic assessment. In people, decreased  animals potentially exposed to radioactive contaminants
             monocyte counts are associated with internal exposures to  can be triaged, decontaminated, and treated by properly
             radioisotopes that localize in bone, making monocyte  trained personnel equipped with appropriate PPE and
             count a potential tool in estimating exposure levels  screening equipment.
             to these particular radioisotopes (Ogunranti, 1989).
             Hematopoietic-based algorithms, using standard CBCs
             and serum chemistry results, have been developed to esti-  REFERENCES
             mate the severity of H-ARS using minipigs and Rhesus
             macaques as part of the triage process rather than waiting  Alexakhin, R.M., Geras’kin, S.A., 2011. 25 years after the accident at
             for peak hematological abnormalities to develop (Bolduc  the Chernobyl nuclear power plant: radioecological lessons.
                                                                  Radioprotection. 46, S595 S600.
             et al., 2016).
                                                                Belova, N.V., Verigin, B.V., Emelianova, N.G., et al., 1993. Radiobiological
                Medical management of patients with ARS is primar-
                                                                  analysis of silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix in the Chernobyl
             ily symptomatic and supportive, aimed at managing gas-
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             trointestinal signs and fluid losses, pain, and risk of
                                                                  tem status in the survived fish. J. Ichthyol. 33, 814 828.
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             radiation and chemotherapeutic treatments for cancer  vance to Fukushima releases. Integr. Env. Assess. Manag. 7 (3),
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             dence and limited human use after Chernobyl, administra-  Beresford, N.A., Mayes, R.W., Cooke, A.I., et al., 2000. The importance
             tion of probiotics may be beneficial (Ciorba et al., 2012;  of source dependent bioavailability in determining the transfer of
             Urbancsek et al., 2001). Vitamin E analogs are being  ingested radionuclides to ruminant derived food products. Environ.
                                                                  Sci. Technol. 34, 4455 4462.
             developed as a safe and effective radioprotectant and
                                                                Berger, C.D., Frazier, J.R., Greene, R.T., et al., 1987. Radiological emer-
             radiomitigant (Compadre et al., 2014). Alpha-tocopherol
                                                                  gency manual for livestock, poultry, and animal products. IT
             is the most widely studied form of vitamin E. However,
                                                                  Corporation/Radiological Sciences Laboratory Publication 87 168.
             tocoflexols promise to be more potent. Studies in mice
                                                                  IT RSL, Oak Ridge.
             have shown that ciprofloxacin enhances stress erythropoi-  Bergonie, J., Tribondeau, L., 1906. De quelques re ´sultats de la radiother-
             esis in the spleen, potentially increasing survival follow-  apie et essai de fixation d’une technique rationnelle. Comptes-
             ing whole-body irradiation (Fukumoto et al., 2014).  Rendue des Se ´ances de l’Acad des Sci. 143, 983 985.
                                                                Bolduc, D.L., Bu ¨nger, R., Moroni, M., et al., 2016. Modeling H-ARS
                                                                  using hematological parameters: a comparison between the non-
                                                                  human primate and minipig. Rad. Prot. Dosim. 172, 161 173.
                                                                Bonisoli-Alquati, A., Voris, A., Mousseau, T.A., et al., 2009. DNA dam-
             DIRECTIONS                                           age in barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) from the Chernobyl region
                                                                  detected by use of the comet assay. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part C
             Compared to other toxicants, ionizing radiation is espe-
                                                                  Toxicol. Pharmacol. 151 (3), 271 277.
             cially challenging because contaminated animals cannot
                                                                Brown, D.G., Gramly, W.A., Cross, F.H., 1964. Response of three breeds
             be definitively identified without the use of specialized  of swine exposed to whole-body cobalt-60 gamma radiation in daily
             detection equipment. The principles of time, shielding,  doses of 100 roentgens. Am. J. Vet. Res. 25, 1347 1353.
             and distance can be used to protect both humans and ani-  Brown, D.G., Reynolds, R.A., Johnson, D.F., 1966. Late effects in cattle
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