Page 398 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Toxicity of Over-the-Counter Drugs Chapter | 21  365  et al., 1991; Boothe, 2001), and blood concentrations are  (Runkel et al., 1972). Drugs eliminated in the bile, such
                                                                as ibuprofen and naproxen, as well as carprofen, indo-
             almost identical whether dosing is PO or IV (Runkel
                                                                methacin, piroxicam, flunixin, tolfenamic acid, meclofe-
             et al., 1972). Naproxen is 50% bioavailable in horses
             (Boothe, 2001) and nearly 100% bioavailable in pigs  namic acid, and diclofenac, undergo enterohepatic
             (Runkel et al., 1972).                             circulation in dogs. This prolongs the plasma half-life,
                NSAID distribution is variable between individual  and is likely the cause of increased susceptibility of dogs
             drugs and animal species. Because they are highly  to these compounds.
             protein-bound in the circulation, mostly to albumin,  The plasma half-life of ibuprofen is 2.5 6 h in dogs
             NSAIDs generally have a low volume of distribution  and cats and 1 h in rats (Mazue ´ et al., 1982; Lees et al.,
             (Brater, 1988; Verbeeck, 1990; Boothe, 2001; Talcott,  1991; Boothe, 2001). The half-life for naproxen in plasma
             2006). Protein binding in humans is 99% for ibuprofen  is 35 h in beagles (Runkel et al., 1972), 74 h in mixed-
             (Brater, 1988), .99% for naproxen (Runkel et al., 1972;  breed dogs (Isaacs, 1996), 5 h in h (Lees et al., 1991;
             Rubin and Papich, 1990), and 98.7% for ketoprofen  Isaacs, 1996), 4.8 h in cows (Lees et al., 1991), 4.8 h in
             (Brater, 1988). The remaining unbound fraction becomes  minipigs, 1.9 h in rhesus monkeys, and 8.7 h in guinea
             distributed in the extracellular fluid and is responsible for  pigs. Elimination of phenylbutazone in dogs appears to
             the clinical effects (Brater, 1988; Kore, 1990; Boothe,  follow zero-order kinetics (Lees et al., 1991). The plasma
             2001; Talcott, 2006). Hypoalbuminemia or displacement  half-life for phenylbutazone is between 5 and 8 h in
             from protein-binding sites by other drugs leads to a tran-  horses, 37 h in cattle, and 4 h in swine.
             sient increase in the unbound fraction. Although this
             unbound drug is normally rapidly excreted, clinical
             effects can be evident. NSAIDs can partition into lipid,  Mechanism of Action
             allowing them to cross cell membranes.             The basic mechanism of action of NSAIDs is inhibition
                Metabolism of NSAIDs takes place primarily in the  of COX enzymes. These enzymes are found in all cells
             liver. Most undergo cytochrome P450-mediated oxidation  except mature erythrocytes (Kore, 1990; Boothe, 2001).
             to increase water solubility. Phenylbutazone is converted  Arachidonic acid, a 20-carbon unsaturated fatty acid, is
             to oxyphenbutazone, which is similarly potent, via phase I  released from the cell membrane by phospholipase A 2
             hepatic metabolism (Lees et al., 1991). Phase I metabo-  and phospholipase C when a cell is damaged. Carprofen
             lites and, in the case of carboxylic acid-group NSAIDs,  causes moderate inhibition of these phospholipases (Lees
             the parent compound can undergo phase II reactions such  et al., 1991; McKellar et al., 1991). Although arachidonic
             as glucuronide conjugation, sulfate conjugation, and glu-  acid itself has little activity, it can enter two pathways:
             tathione conjugation, which further increase water solubil-  the COX pathway, which produces eicosanoids, or the
             ity and usually inactivate the drug. Acyl-glucuronide  lipoxygenase pathway, which produces leukotrienes
             conjugation of propionic acid NSAIDs such as ibuprofen  (LTs). Oxidation of arachidonic acid by COX, and further
             and naproxen is reversible, and these drugs deconjugate if  metabolism by other enzymes, leads to the production
             excretion is delayed.                              of various PGs and the release of oxygen-free radicals
                Drug elimination is dependent upon compound and  (Lees et al., 1991; Boynton et al., 1998). These PGs
             animal species. Animals younger than 6 weeks old, as  include PGH 2 , PGE 2 , and PGI 2 . With the addition of pros-
             well as geriatric animals, usually metabolize drugs  tacyclin synthase, PGF 2 α is formed; thromboxane
             slower; hepatic or renal failure further delays elimination.  synthase is needed for production of thromboxane A 2 .
             High plasma protein binding also slows excretion. Plasma  PGE 2 and PGI 2 have similar actions, although the
             clearance is biphasic, with a rapid initial decline as the  effects of PGI 2 tend to be of shorter duration. PGE 2 ,
             drug is distributed to the tissues, and then a slower decline  which is secreted by the gastrointestinal mucosa and at
             as it is metabolized and excreted, terminating drug  other sites, causes smooth muscle relaxation and vasodila-
             activity (Lees et al., 1991). Less than 1% of a dose of  tion, which enhances blood flow to the kidneys and gas-
             naproxen or ketoprofen is eliminated unchanged, and  tric mucosa and increases vascular permeability. It
             approximately 1% of a given dose of ibuprofen is   inhibits gastric acid production, inhibits pepsin produc-
             excreted in the urine as the parent compound (Brater,  tion, increases gastric mucus synthesis, and is believed to
             1988). Urinary excretion is pH-dependent, and tends to be  mediate repair and turnover of gastric epithelium (Collins
             more rapid in alkali urine due to ion trapping.    and Tyler, 1985; Boynton et al., 1988; Wallace et al.,
                Fecal elimination through biliary excretion is impor-  1990). PGE 2 is also found in inflammatory exudate and
             tant for ibuprofen, naproxen, and carprofen in dogs  enhances pain response due to bradykinin and histamine.
             (Runkel et al., 1972; Gfeller and Sandon, 1991; Isaacs,  PGI 2 also inhibits platelet aggregation.
             1996; Talcott, 2006; Koenigschof et al., 2015). Half of a  NSAIDs bind the active site of COX, usually
             given dose of naproxen is eliminated in the bile of dogs  through competitive inhibition, although aspirin binds
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