Page 490 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 490

Mercury Chapter | 31  457  follow a one-compartment or two-compartment model.  more of the following effects: increased oxidative stress,
                                                                mitochondrial dysfunction, changes in heme metabolism,
             Studies have shown that repeat or continuous exposure to
                                                                glutathione depletion, increased permeability of the BBB
             any form of mercury can result in the accumulation of
             mercury in the body. In vertebrates, mercury tends to accu-  and  disruption  of  microtubule  formation,  protein
             mulate in the liver and kidney, but it also has a high-  synthesis, DNA replication, DNA polymerase activity,
             affinity for the brain and endocrine system. Mercury in the  calcium homeostasis, synaptic transmission and immune
             brain may persist long after cessation of short- and long-  response (Farina et al., 2011a,b; Sharma et al., 2014;
             term exposures. Blood levels of mercury are closely  Ni et al., 2017).
             related to its levels in the whole body during the first 3  The nervous system is especially sensitive to mercury.
             days following administration. Thereafter, the amount of  The degree of damage depends upon the form of mercury
             mercury in the blood declines more rapidly than the  and its dose. The effects of Hg on the developing central
             whole-body burden. Animal studies show disparity in mer-  nervous system (CNS) are more severe than those in the
             cury body burden in terms of gender. In general, females  mature CNS (Taber and Hurley, 2008; Eriksson et al.,
             are believed to have higher body burdens of methylmer-  2010; Sokolowski et al., 2011; Bernhoft, 2012; Ni et al.,
             cury at given doses than males. Furthermore, in rodents,  2017). Metallic mercury at high doses causes irreparable
             females accumulate more mercury in the brain, while  damage to the brain. In many poisoning incidents, perma-
             males accumulate higher levels of mercury in the kidneys.  nent damage to the brain occurred by methylmercury.
                Evidence suggests that the metabolism of all forms of  Since inorganic mercury does not readily cross the BBB, it
             mercury is similar for humans and animals. Mercury is  is highly unlikely that inorganic mercury may cause any
             metabolized through the oxidation reduction cycle that  damage to the brain or nerves. Most of the information
             takes place in intestinal microflora, and after absorption in  concerning neurotoxicity in humans following oral expo-
             many tissues and in the red blood cells. Elimination rates  sure to organic mercury comes from reports describing the
             for methylmercury appear to vary with species, dose, sex,  effects of ingesting contaminated fish or fungicide-treated
             and strain. The elimination half-life in the blood of mon-  grains, or meat from animals fed such grains. Studies con-
             keys receiving inorganic and organic mercury was found  ducted in experimental animals strongly indicate that
             to be 26 days (Vahter et al., 1994). In a study of organs  organic mercury is a potent neurotoxicant (Kaur et al.,
             from sled dogs fed methylmercury-laden meat and organs  2007; Ceccatelli et al., 2010; Farina et al., 2011a,b; Ni
             from predatory marine animals, the highest concentration  et al., 2017).
             of total mercury was found in the mesenterial lymph  Evidence suggests that a single dose of mercuric chlo-
             nodes, followed by liver and kidneys, indicating that the  ride (0.74 mg/kg) caused disruption of the BBB barrier in
             lymphatic system may play an important role in the trans-  rats (Chang and Hartman, 1972). These investigators also
             port of mercury to target organs (Hansen and Danscher,  administered mercuric chloride to rats at the same dose
             1995). The tissue concentrations of mercury observed in  daily for 11 weeks. Within 2 weeks, there were coagula-
             this study were found to be age related, and the results sug-  tive or lucid changes in cerebellar granule cells and frag-
             gest that demethylation takes place in all organs, except  mentation, vacuolation and cytoplasmic lesions in the
             the skeletal muscles. Demethylation of methylmercury  neurons of dorsal root ganglia. Neurological disturbances
             was found to be lower in the brain than in other organs.  consisted of severe ataxia and sensory loss.
             For further details on toxicokinetics of mercury refer to  Neurotoxic effects seen in the Minamata (Japan) and
             Bernhoft (2012).                                   Iraqi poisonings were associated with neuronal degenera-
                                                                tion and glial proliferation in the cortical and cerebellar
                                                                gray matter and basal ganglia (Al-Saleem, 1976).
                                                                Derangement of basic developmental processes, such as
             Toxicities of the different forms of mercury are related, in  neuronal migration (Matsumoto et al., 1965; Choi et al.,
             part, to its differential accumulation in sensitive tissues.  1978) and neuronal cell division (Sager et al., 1983) were
             This theory is supported by the observation that mercury  also observed. In the brain, Purkinje, basket, stellate and
             rapidly accumulates in the kidneys and specific areas of  granule cells are severely affected by methylmercury.
             the brain (Yilmaz et al., 2014; Pletz et al., 2016; Ni et al.,  Methylmercury selectively inhibits protein synthesis in
             2017). High-affinity binding of the divalent cationic mer-  the brain (reversibly in neurons from the cerebrum and
             cury to thiol or sulfhydryl groups of proteins is believed  Purkinje cells; and irreversibly in granule cells of the cer-
             to be a major mechanism involved in the toxicity of mer-  ebellum), and this effect usually precedes the appearance
             cury. As a result, mercury can cause inactivation of vari-  of clinical signs. This selective action on the brain may
             ous enzymes, structural proteins, transport proteins and  be due to the fact that certain cells are susceptible because
             alteration of cell membrane permeability by the formation  they cannot repair damage from methylmercury. Cheung
             of mercaptides. In addition, mercury may induce one or  and Verity (1985) identified the most sensitive step in the
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