Page 496 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 496  Chapter 32


             Jeffery O. Hall

             INTRODUCTION                                       can occur in a variety of oxidation states that range from
                                                                (-II) to (VI) (IMOA, 2006), but valence states IV, V, and
             Molybdenum (Mo) is an essential nutrient in plants and
                                                                VI are the most common in biological systems (Johnson,
             animals. Thorough reviews on Mo have been published
                                                                1997). Mo is utilized in the production of oxidation cata-
             (Dick, 1956; Underwood, 1977; Ward, 1978; Friberg
                                                                lysts, pigments, corrosion-resistant steel, smoke suppres-
             and Lener, 1986; Mills and Davis, 1987; Rajagopalan,
                                                                sants, lubricants, fertilizers, and metal alloys. Although
             1988; Nielsen, 1996; Johnson, 1997; NRC, 2006; Gould
                                                                uniformly found in nature, the United States has the great-
             and Kendall, 2011). In plants and microbes, reduction of  est producible Mo reserves.
             nitrate to nitrite and nitrogen fixation requires Mo
                                                                  Mo is commonly found in low concentrations in most
             (Williams and daSilva, 2002). Higher animals require Mo
                                                                dietary constituents (Rajagopalan, 1988), but excess
             for oxygen transfer reactions of aldehyde oxidase, sulfite
                                                                intake can occur from plants grown on soils naturally
             oxidase, and xanthine oxidase, where Mo is bound to a
                                                                high in Mo or from areas contaminated by mining or
             pterin nucleus (Johnson et al., 1980). Although dietary
                                                                smelting operations. Naturally high soil and forage
             clinical deficiencies have not been reported under natural
                                                                molybdenum concentrations have been reported in local-
             conditions (Mills and Davis, 1987), deficiency has been
                                                                ized areas of several states in the western United States,
             produced in animals fed purified Mo deficient diets (Mills
                                                                as well as Canada, England, Australia, and New Zealand
             and Bremner, 1980; Anke et al., 1985). Functional Mo
                                                                but likely occurs in other countries as well. In addition,
             deficiency has been caused by genetic disorders in
                                                                high molybdenum forages have been identified from con-
             humans (Reiss, 2000) and competitive replacement of
                                                                taminated areas associated with mining and industrial
             tungsten for Mo in enzymes (Nell et al., 1980). Iatrogenic
                                                                operations (King et al., 1984). Daily dietary requirements
             Mo deficiency, resulting in aberrant sulfur-containing
                                                                for all species are such that requirements are met, even
             amino acid metabolism, has been reported following pro-
                                                                with low intake.
             longed total parenteral nutrition (Abumrad et al., 1981).
                Mo toxicity is intricately tied to interactions with copper
             and sulfur. Predominant manifestations of Mo poisoning are  PHARMACOKINETICS/TOXICOKINETICS
             associated with secondary copper deficiency, but not all clin-
             ical signs are alleviated by copper supplementation, as some  Absorption
             of the effects can be related to direct thiomolybdate binding
             to the copper dependent enzyme systems (Gould and  Mo   absorption  differs  between  monogastrics  and
             Kendall, 2011). The copper sulfur molybdenum interac-  ruminants. In monogastrics, Mo absorption occurs from
             tions are complex and vary greatly in degree of severity  the stomach throughout the intestinal tract (Bell et al.,
             among species.                                     1964; Miller et al., 1972; Nielsen, 1996). In contrast, rumi-
                                                                nant absorption likely depends on the chemical form of
                                                                the molybdenum. Historically, Mo absorption in ruminants
                                                                was thought to occur in the intestinal tract, as an extensive
                                                                delay in peak blood concentration would indicate that
             Mo is a transition metal within group VI of the periodic  rumen absorption did not occur. However, some delay in
             table. It has an atomic number of 42, an atomic weight of  overall total Mo absorption could be due to the time
             95.95, and has seven different naturally occurring atomic  necessary for the conversion of the molybdates to
             masses from 92 to 100 (Rosman and Taylor, 1998). Mo  thiomolybdates in the rumen, as preformed thiomolybdates
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