Page 56 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 56

Concepts in Veterinary Toxicology Chapter | 1  23  material being deposited in some regions of the respira-  lifetime incidence of lung cancer whereas a population of
                                                                a two-pack-a-day cigarette smokers will experience about
             tory tract while other regions are spared any exposure.
                                                                a 20% lifetime incidence of lung cancer. Consideration of
             This unusual pattern of distribution of the agent is very
             likely to influence the toxic responses of the airways and  statistical information such as the above emphasizes the
             alveoli. Thus, I am hesitant to even recommend intratra-  importance of using care in interpreting the results of can-
             cheal instillation for mechanistic studies, the mechanistic  cer bioassays using the typical 100 animals (50 of each
             information acquired may be irrelevant to the inhalation  sex) per exposure level. The interpretation of the rele-
             exposure situations that are of concern for people or other  vance of the results of animal studies for estimating
             species.                                           human hazards will be greatly enhanced by knowledge of
                It is critical that exposure-dose-response studies utilize  the mechanisms involved in the toxicant causing disease
             multiple exposure levels, perhaps three or four exposure  in the animals.
             levels. The choice of the specific exposure levels is one  A key feature of the exposure response experimental
             of the most important decisions to be made in planning  design illustrated in Fig. 1.8 is the use of multiple sacri-
             such studies. One consideration relates to the potential  fice times for all exposure levels. In some cases it may be
             level(s) of exposure to be encountered with intended use.  possible to evaluate the functional status of organs at
             Higher additional levels can be selected above this base  these times, i.e., pulmonary function. In animals with
             level. Selection of exposure/dose levels can also be  inhalation exposure, when a respiratory tract response is
             informed by the results of the kinetic studies. For exam-  of concern, it may be feasible to collect bronchoalveolar
             ple, it would not be desirable to use only exposure levels  lavage fluid samples for analysis of biochemical and cel-
             above a level at which metabolic processes are saturated.  lular parameters. Most importantly, tissue samples can be
             Another consideration emphasized by the EPA and NTP,  collected at the multiple time periods for histopatholog-
             especially when cancer is an endpoint, is to select a maxi-  ical evaluation. The information obtained from the seri-
             mum tolerated (MTD) dose level as the highest exposure/  ally sacrificed animals, combined with that obtained from
             dose level and establish lower levels by some fraction of  the terminal sacrifice animals, can provide valuable
             the MTD level, perhaps 1/2 and 1/4 or 1/3 and 1/9. The  insight into the progression of disease processes over the
             use of an MTD has been justified on the grounds that it is  course of the study. Without question, insight into the
             necessary to maximize exposure to potentially observe  pathogenesis of toxicant-induced disease processes will
             carcinogenic responses recognizing the blunt experimental  be much more complete when serial sacrifices are con-
             approach (NRC, 1993). A useful review on the history of  ducted than that obtained only from an evaluation of the
             the use of animal bioassays to predict carcinogenicity has  terminal sacrifice animals. Another option in the design of
             been authored by Beyer et al. (2011).              exposure response studies is to include a group of animals
                The extent to which animal bioassays are a blunt  at each level that are removed from further exposure at one
             approach to detecting the carcinogenic potential of agents  or more times postinhalation of exposure for maintenance
             is illustrated in Fig. 1.9. It can be noted that for a species  without further exposure. These animals may be euthanized
             and strains of animals with a background incidence of  at later times and evaluated for evidence of recovery or
             1%, a study of 50 animals will require a 20% response to  reversibility of earlier toxicant-induced changes.
             detect a statistically significant effect. As an aside, a pop-  The basic guidance for using multiple exposure (dose)
             ulation of nonsmoking people will experience about a 1%  levels and making experimental observations at multiple
                                                                times is as applicable to the conduct of studies examining
                                          Control incidence—1%  hypotheses on the mechanisms of action of toxicants as it
                  50                      95% statistical confidence  is to studies developing information for regulatory deci-
                                                                sions. I remain disappointed that many published papers
                                                                on mechanisms of action of specific toxicants fail to use
                              20% excess—50 individuals
               Percent excess  incidence detectable  30  10% excess—130 individuals  multiple exposure (dose) levels and multiple observation
                                                                times. It is only when exposure (dose) level and duration
                                                                of exposure are included as experimental variables that
                                                                a true understanding of the mechanisms of toxicity mode
                                         5% excess—400 individuals
                                                                of action or AOP for an agent can be elucidated.
                                                                Mechanisms, modes of action, and AOPs are frequently
                                                                exposure (dose) level and exposure-duration dependent.
                                                                It is important to recognize that the use of ultra-
                           100     200   300     400     500
                                                                sophisticated assessment methods is not a substitute for
                                Number of individuals
                                                                a flawed experimental design.
                                                                  As the science of toxicology has advanced, increasing
             FIGURE 1.9 Relationships between number of subjects required to
             detect excess risk and the level of detectable excess risk.  attention has been given to developing specialized
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