Page 5 - Linear Models for the Prediction of Animal Breeding Values 3rd Edition
P. 5


        Preface                                                                xiii

        Abbreviations                                                          xv
        1.  Genetic Evaluation with Different Sources of Records                1
            1.1.  Introduction                                                  1
            1.2.  The Basic Model                                               1
            1.3.  Breeding Value Prediction from the Animal’s Own Performance   2
                  1.3.1. Single record                                          2
                  1.3.2. Repeated records                                       3
            1.4.  Breeding Value Prediction from Progeny Records                6
            1.5.  Breeding Value Prediction from Pedigree                       9
            1.6.  Breeding Value Prediction for One Trait from Another         10
            1.7.  Selection Index                                              11
                  1.7.1.  Accuracy of index                                    12
                  1.7.2.  Examples of selection indices using different sources
                         of information                                        14
                  1.7.3. Prediction of aggregate genotype                      16
                  1.7.4. Overall economic indices using predicted genetic merit  18
                  1.7.5. Restricted selection index                            19
                  1.7.6.  Index combining breeding values from phenotype
                         and genetic marker information                        21

        2.  Genetic Covariance Between Relatives                               22
            2.1.  Introduction                                                 22
            2.2.  The Numerator Relationship Matrix                            22
            2.3.  Decomposing the Relationship Matrix                          23
            2.4.  Computing the Inverse of the Relationship Matrix             25
                  2.4.1.  Inverse of the numerator relationship matrix ignoring
                         inbreeding                                            26
                  2.4.2.  Inverse of the numerator relationship matrix
                         accounting for inbreeding                             28
            2.5.  Inverse of the Relationship Matrix for Sires
                  and Maternal Grandsires                                      30
            2.6.  An Example of the Inverse of a Sire and Maternal
                  Grandsire Relationship Matrix                                32
        3.  Best Linear Unbiased Prediction of Breeding Value: Univariate
            Models with One Random Effect                                      34
            3.1.  Introduction                                                 34
            3.2.  Brief Theoretical Background                                 35
            3.3.  A Model for an Animal Evaluation (Animal Model)              37

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