Page 146 - Veterinary diagnostic imaging birds exotic pets wildlife
P. 146

Chapter 14

                                      The Wing: Infections

                    III SURGICAL INFECTIONS                              defined involucra. I see such lesions only rarely,

                                                                         although they are reported.
                    Surgical infections are most often associated with
                    attempted fracture repair, including revisions. The
                    damaging effects to the avian bone, as seen radio-   III BONE DESTRUCTION VERSUS
                    graphically, closely resemble those reported in          BONE REDUCTION
                    mammals: cortical and medullary destruction, seques-

                    tration, inappropriate new bone deposition, plus or   Localized bone loss, especially when identified in con-
                    minus the formation of a nonpurposeful callus (Figures   junction with the surgical reduction of a fracture, is
                    14-1 and 14-2). These features may be accompanied by   often mistakenly attributed to infection. Although this
                    implant dislocation.                                 might be an accurate interpretation, it also may be
                                                                         incorrect. Other possible explanations for bone reduc-
                                                                         tion in a postoperative context include: (1) fragment
                    III OPEN FRACTURE INFECTIONS                         movement, (2) small-scale implant movement (cyclic

                                                                         movement), or (3) full-fledged dislocation (sometimes
                    Open fractures are considered by many authorities to   termed migration).
                    be already infected at the time they are initially seen,
                    which is a reasonable assumption given the high inci-  Localized Infection
                    dence of failed repair in such birds (Figures 14-3 and
                    14-4).                                               Open fractures in and around joints, particularly those
                                                                         associated with puncture wounds, can lead to quite
                                                                         localized infections, which are occasionally associated
                    III SYSTEMIC INFECTIONS                              with abscess. Unlike the more usual type of infection,
                                                                         which often ranges up and down the shaft of the
                    Systemic infections in birds are often characterized   infected bone, this localized form of osteomyelitis typi-
                    radiographically by multiple localized lesions, which   cally is confined to the joint and immediately surround-

                    may assume a variety of forms. Most appear fi rst as   ing areas, slowing dissolving the bony tissue, behaving
                    medullary clouding, and later, a surface reaction often   in this respect much as a malignant synovioma. For this
                    becomes apparent. In unchecked infection, cortical   reason, these kinds of infection are often termed low
                    sequestra may develop, sometimes enveloped by well-  grade or smoldering (Figures 14-5 and 14-6).

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