Page 292 - Veterinary diagnostic imaging birds exotic pets wildlife
P. 292
288 SECTION II III The Mammals
pattern. This method works as follows: because the forcing it in that direction, for example, a mass. Like-
stomach and portions of the bowel usually contain air, wise, if the stomach or bowel is displaced dorsally,
they are among the most visible of the abdominal then a ventrally situated mass becomes a distinct pos-
organs. Although the positions of the various parts of sibility; however, if the bowel mass appears ventrally
the gastrointestinal tract are subject to change accord- displaced, then a dorsally located source warrants
ing to their content and surroundings, for example, an consideration.
enlarged bladder will force the bowel mass cranially Once a region of interest has been identifi ed, based
or a full stomach will force it caudally, they are gener- on an abnormal bowel distribution pattern, the organ
ally distributed in an equitable fashion. or organs normally found in this location become the
Therefore, if most of the intestine is found predomi- prime diagnostic suspects. Figures 25-10 through 25-12
nantly on one side or the other of the abdomen, the illustrate this strategy.
diagnostic implication is that something must be
Figure 25-10 • A, Whole-body and close-up (B) dorsoventral abdominal views of a sick hedgehog show an abnormal bowel distribution
pattern. Most of the identifi able gas-filled bowel is situated in the right half of the abdomen, suggesting a left-sided mass or mass effect.
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